She is on a a nice walk in the woods, so at least nobody else is right there to be eaten by the snake and she osanwëd a warning to emergency services first.
So now she can worry entirely about where the fuck she is.
She kneels without prompting. (She has a wistful flashback to the day she stopped kneeling and they didn't say a thing until six years later when Estë suddenly asked if kneeling had been objectionable in some way -)
"Hello. My name is Mirelótë Ambela. I am an accidental visitor from another Arda, where a great many things are different. The Valar of my own Arda found me useful as a tutor in the nature of incarnates and I have come to offer the same service to you, although it might be that you would find it more agreeable to contact my Arda yourselves to be directly in contact with your counterparts there, if that is within your power."
"Thank you. I would very much like to see my home again. Is there anything I can do to help?"
"There was a creature with some kind of portal in lieu of a face; I have never previously heard of or encountered such a thing nor had any reason to suspect the existence of other universes. It lunged at me and I found myself unharmed in human territory. From there I made my way here."
"I believe they may be less powerful than you in some ways, but insofar as they can I expect that, yes."
"I will let you know if we need anything else to explore the possibility of contact with your world."
"I have written up summaries of the most salient conversations I have had with my Valar, and have an index of my suggested ordering for the first portion here -" Time and incentives and consent and the incarnate habit of mixed feelings.
And four weeks later - "it appears we can create means of travel between worlds known to us." The air shimmers.
It's the forest she left from.
And she steps forward and wasn't that far from Taniquetil -
(and her marriage blessings click back on - she's okay it's okay -)
- and she shoves all the necessary information at her Valar.
They paroled Melkor, who is now reimprisoned, but never caught Sauron in the first place and he is running amok. He conned the local Tyelperinquar into helping him make a ring with mind control powers which is fairly key to the whole business. I may or may not need to bribe some Dwarves with interworld trade opportunities.
There's a clink and there's a ring. It no longer has mind control powers. How is it important, exactly?
- Sauron is sufficiently invested in the ring that its destruction would kill him directly but my informant was under the impression it could only be destroyed in a particular volcano.