She is on a a nice walk in the woods, so at least nobody else is right there to be eaten by the snake and she osanwëd a warning to emergency services first.
So now she can worry entirely about where the fuck she is.
"It's not anything like the priority here with the Valar, I just didn't want it to be ambiguous to you if I might know."
"I'm adapting what I told my Valar for presentation to these, and then in the event that they can't just - open a portal to my world and get it all direct from my Valar - or the event that they choose not to do so immediately - help parallelizing the conversations so it takes hundreds and not thousands of years to get anywhere."
"There's no reason it shouldn't - it accelerated a lot once my Valar were pleasant enough conversationalists that people just had ordinary chats with them, even, without being scared of saying the wrong thing and getting an overreaction - and a lot of it was frontloading learning how they worked."
"It'll be good to have you."
And to Taniquetil, where she finishes up her writing and then seeks an audience with the Valar, maybe Ulmo if he has the attention to spare. (Aulë starts out perhaps best at "well-meaning" but Ulmo starts out best at... methodology.)