mirelótë in lotr
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"May it be a swift and safe journey. Eru keep you."


"- hmm?"



"I am sure Eru has a plan."


They sail for Valinor.


She swims, when the water's calm.


It's not an exceptionally long trip. The coastline when they reach it is of course utterly stunning.


That's nice.

She would like a map; the Valinor she is familiar with is not squished into a continent.


There are tearful reunions on the shore. A pretty illuminated map can be found. Taniquetil is straight ahead, more or less.


Is there a faster way of getting there than walking? Have the people who arrived on the last ship gotten ahold of anyone she suggested?


There are carriages, or she could take a horse. They've delivered the relevant letters. 


She will take a horse. Anyone who got their letter will presumably be on their way to Taniquetil themselves earliest convenience if willing to participate.


She is encouraged to remember that it's hard on some of Valinor's most vulnerable citizens when there's a lot of conspicuous plot going on.


She is not planning to venture near the vulnerable citizens with all her conspicuous plot. She did send one a letter but it was very gentle and to an alternate universe version of her husband; the others are being left alone. Principally she wants to talk to the Valar and anyone who wishes to help her do that.


They have no concerns about pointing her at Taniquetil. 


Rúmil is there.



"Hello," she says softly.


"Hello. Thank you for writing. Has the situation in Endorë changed since the letter -"


"Yes. How much do you want to know -"


"If it somehow requires flinging ourselves at Sauron I will make a face at you. Otherwise go ahead."


"It doesn't require any such thing. Curumo defected; there will be some additional difficulty in protecting the Ring given that. I am worse than useless anywhere near the ring and there was nothing more to do there in any place it wasn't, so I came here instead."


Nod. "To hope to bring around the Valar. Probably not swiftly enough to make a difference."


"I am hoping it is faster the second time. It could be slower or too path-dependent to be done here at all." Sigh.


"What does the Ring do to you -"


"It tells me I can make Men healthy and immortal and restore their dead to life. It reminds me that the orcs are in constant pain and unrelieved servitude and that even when they die they are kept conscious. It says that if I believed any of the things I am going to try to explain to the Valar about the meaning of time I would be in enough of a hurry to grab it instead of being slow and careful while millions of people die."



" - ah. I -" 


He smiles slightly. 

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