mirelótë in lotr
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The Valar and Eru actually exist? It's fashionable to think Elves made them up, because the world doesn't look like it has benevolent deities in it. The destruction of Númenor, is that true too?


The Valar and Eru exist where she is from; the Valar were poorly informed and Eru nonbenevolent. Númenor she doesn't know because her world never had one.


Her world doesn't have any humans? Her poor world.


It does not. She hopes one day humans can travel there and enrich it by their presence.


Oh, they won't be allowed in Valinor. But the rest maybe.


Her Endorë is also a lovely place. She honeymooned there.


Elves used to go back and forth like that here but that was a long time ago.


Maybe one day everyone can be mobile the way people in her world are.


And then a hobbit walks by Ambela, a reasonable distance away, and - these people will be dead by then. Their descendants will be dead, and their descendants, it will be thousands and thousands of years' work, millions of millions of humans born and living and dying - and millions and millions of orcs, all of them in constant pain, all of them conscious even after their deaths, conscious and utterly alone, while she explains for the tenth time that time matters. If she really believed time mattered she could give it to them, not their distant descendants, she could do it today -


She twitches. Forward - then she flings herself backward. WHAT HAPPENED TO KEEPING IT ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE CITY


"- Frodo did you take the ring with you, it's important to keep it away from people - let's go now -"

Hobbit leaves. Ring shuts up.




She writes faster.


Sorry - you all right - did it say anything about interdimensional transit -


No it was - is it actually useful if I tell you what it says -


It doesn't call to me as much. Can't give me the things I want, I think. Up to you but I'm not worried I'd be tempted.


I mean is it useful information or just perseverating on noise.


No idea. With enough information maybe someone could review a transcript and guess whether it's willing to lie but I wouldn't want to bet even on that.



I will just write faster.

Footnote on the bit about death that in her world the dead are not conscious by default -


No one interrupts her except, after a long while, with food.


She thanks them absently. She eats. She doesn't sleep.


"There's a magic song for fatigue," he says after a while, "but do be careful - pushing yourself too much could make you more vulnerable -"


"- I do not need to be more vulnerable. What do you advise?"


"Sleep normally. This won't come down to a matter of days."


...she nods.

She goes to bed.


In the morning there's food. And someone looked over the notes and left a neat, short list of questions and clarifications.

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