She is on a a nice walk in the woods, so at least nobody else is right there to be eaten by the snake and she osanwëd a warning to emergency services first.
So now she can worry entirely about where the fuck she is.
"- Is it safe to conclude that if I can't hear the ring and am not coming up with plans that involve me using it, it is not corrupting my thought process right now? Just to be sure -"
"The Dwarves I have met mostly want things that they - acknowledge to be fungible. Does that square -"
"The ring told me a lot of things - eerily well chosen things, it went for 'you could make humans immortal' and not the more broadside option of 'see your husband again' or something - would it be that accurate with a Dwarf or would it have to go for 'money, lots of it' -"
"I don't know. Depends how it works - maybe it reads your mind and finds out what you care about, maybe it has a power to make its most attractive aspects apparent to anyone who engages with it - I doubt it could read a Dwarf but I'm not sure it couldn't sort itself to be appealing to a Dwarf, if that's the underlying mechanic -"
"My germ of an idea will not work if you have the misfortune to find a Dwarf who is motivated by something nonfungible. But the ring did not offer me a way home and it might be that it can't offer a way to my home. And one thing about having more people and free orcs and a higher tech society is that we are very, very rich -"
" - so you think you could bribe a Dwarf to give up the Ring? But if the Ring can't get you home -"
"If the ring can do interworld transit this doesn't work at all. But the Valar might be able to do it and Eru definitely can."
"...probably not unless we assume it's honest about this sort of thing, and not very bright, and sit me where I can hear it till it either offers that or conspicuously doesn't."
"No, but I'm probably easily subdued by guards and 'where I can hear it' doesn't have to be very close or with a clear path."
"I will think about that. It could also be that given to a random Dwarf the ring just does nothing much for them and doesn't give them the power to help us in the war."
"This also could work as a way to get it unnoticed into Mordor if the hobbits are having a hard time."
"I don't personally command all the wealth of my universe but I think I present a reasonably credible face as someone who it is a good idea to have in one's debt."
"One accumulates them. And really anyone who found themselves strongly influencing initial forays into interworld transit could offer things in the vein of an excellent shot at cornering substantial consumer markets whether they personally knew anyone rich or not."
"The ring doesn't do anything - meta-level like trying to get people to give it to other people, right -"
"Okay, because otherwise if anyone were liable to try it on to see what happened I'd want to be hard for them to find."
"There might not be much we could do about it if they were wielding the Ring. But it hasn't been known to do that."