She is on a a nice walk in the woods, so at least nobody else is right there to be eaten by the snake and she osanwëd a warning to emergency services first.
So now she can worry entirely about where the fuck she is.
"I have at least read cursory explanations of all the necessary steps of manufacture but that's very different from having the skills and it requires extremely precision engineering and very specific highly refined materials. And it wouldn't even get you something that would usefully tolerate being shot by an orc who thought it looked tasty."
Nod. "Still might be a better option than hoping hobbits can carry the Ring for that long."
"- why are the hobbits doing it, just because they aren't specifically being watched for -?"
"And they seem to be usefully a little bit resistant to it, one of them had it on his mantle for decades and was able to leave it to his nephew, no human or Elf has ever had it on at all and been able to give it away. Hobbits - don't want very many things."
"I see. - I actually wonder what would happen if an orc had it, if you could find any free ones. Ludicrously unsafe to try, obviously - idle curiosity. Dwarves, has that been tried?"
"There are some here. I haven't told everybody we have the Ring yet, it was unclear until recently that we would in fact have it."
" - nope. Not unless they've worn it before - sometimes not even then - very ambitious?"
"I was a child when we went to Valinor and spent the trip interrogating Oromë because the Valar were the most powerful things around and I needed to know how they worked."
"Thank you. It made some unpleasantly specific guesses and I do not care to be in range of it."
"It does that, yes." And he arranges her a very pretty room that looks out on a waterfall and from where the Ring cannot whisper.
"This is lovely, thank you. May I have some writing materials - for the outline of the arguments to Valar, in case -"
"Likewise - I'm loaded up on attention blessings, feel free to osanwë me whenever - ah, chipbased things that are perhaps our equivalents of magic songs."
"Or magic artifacts, maybe, if they do persistent effects. It's convenient our osanwë is intercompatible."
"I'm assuming yours works like Maiar's - which means that you are technically doing all the work and the compatibility is a matter of me thinking according to a compatible protocol. Does yours work on people other than Ainur, Elves, and orcs?"
"Works fine with humans and hobbits. Dwarves are immune - Aulë made them to be less vulnerable to the Enemy -"
"I will not be able to osanwë humans and hobbits directly - unless I'm running on some sort of guest functionality here, which I suppose could bear testing. Dwarves are immune at home too, although most of the reduced vulnerability is just a matter of not having chips. - If they are generally immune to magic can they handle the ring safely?"
"They are likely to be able to handle it more safely - it can still affect them through avenues other than outright mind-control - induce sleep deprivation, say, and anything else you can get by affecting the body, and then be tempting entirely on its merits - but it'd be safer than an Elf handling it. Dwarves mostly, ah, want things."
"Well - yes, they do - but its merits are fairly limited considering the package as a whole -"