Is it really going to take that much stuff to... no, she knows what she's doing, far far better than he does, (and also it might just be some stuff from each bin or something).
Is this really happening? This is really happening. How does he feel about it? Excited (and turned on) and terrified. He doesn't know how he could possibly be deserving of anything remotely like this, but here he is, with an attractive girlfriend who wants to be his slave, and is working on a magical ritual to do just that. Fuck. Should he really just be waiting here? It's what she said she wants, and he'll probably just get in the way, but it can't really be okay for him to just be waiting here while she does all the work. Maybe he can go out there and... no. John shudders, remembering the last time he tried to do the right thing even though she said she didn't want him to. He's not doing that again, no. He should just.... sit here, and reread his lines (and maybe not whisper her parts because that might mess up the ritual now that he thinks about it), and reread Ender's game for like the seventh time. And play on his phone. And run his lines again. And read some more.