Yeah she looks like she's doing great, that's really impressive! Marian is inclined to offer her more painkillers than this, they can probably risk somewhat more fentanyl without respiratory depression, but...maybe after providing proof of being a miraculous alien, it probably will make her groggy at a higher dose and she was already complaining of feeling out of it and finding it hard to think.
Marian plays her eyes over the pumps and monitors, and then pulls up a chair.
Okay, I'm going to explain everything that we're doing. The mask on your face is helping you breathe by pushing extra-concentrated oxygen into your lungs, and it's attached to a machine by this tube, so if you move a lot it might come loose and then you wouldn't be getting the help breathing and might lose consciousness again. Also this thing on your finger tells us how much oxygen is in your blood, and this thing in your wrist tells us your blood pressure and lets us take blood to do tests without sticking you for it, and the wires here watch your heart rate, if you pull off any of those it won't immediately cause a problem - well, the art line might bleed - but it'll mean we can't monitor whether you're okay or tell as quickly if you need more help breathing.
(Marian is actually nonzero confused about that - the woman's sats didn't even have a chance to drop below 70% before Marian intervened, most people are perfectly capable of being conscious and unhappy about it - or, actually, people don't even notice, sometimes, other than seeming a bit off and confused, if their CO2 takes longer to rise or if they're COPD folks who chronically hang out with a PaCO2 of 60. But this particular patient's physiology seems to work very weirdly, like the interventions they're providing are...compensating for more damage than they should really be able to?)
You also have an IV to give you fluids and electrolytes, because you were kind of leaking a lot of fluid from the burns, and you couldn't safely drink water when you were unconscious and probably still shouldn't. It's pretty important not to pull that out, we've also been using it to give you drugs to help with the pain, and antibiotics to try to prevent the burns from getting infected. And you lost a lot of blood, so we were able to top you up with some donated blood from other people, I don't know if your world has blood transfusions either?
- anyway that's mostly why I want you to hold still, because there's a lot of stuff and it would be easy to pull something off by accident and cause a problem. It helps to be calm and relaxed because you'll take slower deeper breaths, which get more air to your lungs, and being tense means your body needs more oxygen right when it's pretty hard for you to get enough.
Does that make sense?