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Ophelia is a Fatebinder of Tunon, tasked with delivering Kyros's Edict - 'surrender or die'. This doesn't produce straightforward compliance.
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"People who study Archons have a term for someone who isn't, quite, an Archon. 'Exarch'. Sometimes they're like Ashe, becoming a master of war and growing in power as his streak of victories did, then killing another Archon to make an opening and taking that place. Sometimes they're just like Sirin, on the way to an entirely new Archonship but not yet acknowledged. But other times they grow up in the shadow of another Archon, growing to be like them, developing powers that mirror their master's. Usually it's a master-vassal type of relationship, probably not necessarily but because if it was a bond that had less clarity of servant and served, a dedicated rival or some such thing, the Archon would crush them like a bug. And what you describe... that sounds more like you are an Exarch of Secrets - or maybe more properly an Exarch of the Voices of Nerat, since as much as Kyros's titles shape the image and power of his Archons they are individuals and not all their powers match their title."

"Oh, that rambled rather. It's a topic without much hard data, a possible example is rather exciting. Terrifying, but exciting. The upshot is this - what you did when your sisters died sounds like a lesser form of what Nerat does when he... interrogates people. And we might guess that your bond with Barik is a lesser form of what he does with his Eyes. Which is not precisely a comforting thought, but does strongly suggest that it is something different from an Eye, something much rarer, which we should not necessarily expect to give him the ability to - use you, Verse."


Verse looks like she might be sick.


"...Well first of all I thought that that was what I'd said, though I'll admit that I was dancing around 'Exarch', it's quite a claim to just make - but more importantly...Sod Nerat.  They're your powers, Verse, your Exarchate, even if they sprung from his domain.  Seize them and make them your own thing.  Mold the world to your will, instead of being a verse in his Chorus.  You have the power to do that, now.  Because when an Archon speaks, the world listens.  And you may well be one, someday."

Would Verse like to sit down?  Have a chair, a bucket (just in case), and some water.

"This isn't - what I wanted the conversation to be like, at all, Verse; my apologies for so mishandling it as to - bring all that up again.

"But I do - want to look into the powers you've developed - with an eye to seeing if they'll reveal anything that Nerat would want to hide.  Because - if you're currently in the shape of an Exarch of Secrets...Well, as below, so above, to some extent.  You have a dagger that he forged - and you can plunge it into his back."


She.. will absolutely take those things. She's not outright nauseous but honestly she's kind of wishing she was, maybe then she could throw this up.

"There is... nothing I hate more, than becoming like that thing," she says, unsteady but angry and getting moreso. (The anger is covering fear. Not very well.)


"There's far too little data to be confident, but - the few examples I know of can support Ophelia's notion. The child is not like the parent, and the Exarch not like the Archon. You don't eat people and leave empty bodies, but take in those who die around you. There is no need for that to become his power; you could very well shape how it grows to suit yourself. And surely moreso since you know it."


That does get an expression shifting slightly from disgust toward grim determination.


"...And - if you're still worried that ascending will somehow make you become like him - well, don't worry.  I won't let you."

It's - a simple fact, when she says it.  Like 'the sky is blue'.

"If he wanted you to become another him...He made a very stupid mistake, when he gave you to me.  You're a Verse that's often in counterpoint to the harmonies I write - but you're part of my song.  Not his.  And I won't let this make of you the monster you fear you'll become.  We can shape your story, seize your power - make it yours, not this poisoned chalice.  And we will, because you're my people and I take care of my people.  No matter what comes.

"I stood against the purest force of nature, and damn near won, with you by my side.  And compared to Cairn?  Nerat's a chump.  You can actually stab Nerat."


She barks a sharp, brittle laugh. "You know, I've never seen anyone try. Maybe a little iron dagger snuffs the whole damn flame and he hasn't noticed."


"I wonder if he didn't want to go near the Tidecasters 'cause he was worried they'd snuff him out, hm?  Or if you can just punt his head off like a football."


"Oh, we should hand Barik a big-ass hammer and find out, that'd be hilarious even if he recovers." (Assuming the goal is getting her back in good spirits, it's working.)


(It is.  She's glad it's working.)  "We absolutely should.  I bet he'd be really fucking surprised."


"I mean, if you knocked my head off, I probably would be, too. But mine isn't made of bronze. It'd ring him like a bell even if it doesn't come off."


"...Oh wow what if it actually rings him like a bell, though, just, like, GLONNGGGG."


"BWAAANNG. Kyros's balls, I need to convince some idiot to try it with a rock or something, I've got to hear that. What note does it make? Is it a chord, one per face? And then everybody in the Chorus lines up and we make some real music."


And now Ophelia can't help but burst out laughing, because the image of the entire Scarlet Chorus playing Nerat like a carillon is just so deliciously absurd.


(Lantry is making himself small against a tent flap, because he really isn't a 'mock a terrifying Archon' person but he also isn't a 'squelch a scary Scarlet Fury's fun' person.)


After a bit, Verse stops laughing (giggling would be undignified, so it wasn't giggling) and goes serious again, though thankfully the nauseous fear isn't back. "If we want an actual plan to go up against him...  Fuck it, I'm ready to plan."


"Yeah, that sounds about right.  Should probably get the others, first, if we're making battle-plans.  But speaking of the faces - I know he pulled someone up on a face, in the meeting when we arrived, and - talked through it or made the person talk or let them talk; have you seen him do something more than that, ever?  Does he swap faces for something resembling reasons, in the day-to-day?"


"Hmm, I've never seen his faces change expression while someone was watching, and sometimes he swaps those while talking and his voice doesn't change. I've...heard him change voices, but actually see him while he was doing it, maybe once or twice otherwise. Usually he's in his tent with Fifth Eye and a couple Spears when he... gets information from them. Same as when he eats them. He might be vulnerable that way?"


"Might well be; the question there is more of how or if we could exploit that, if it exists.  Has he ever - been surprised by a voice?  I'm - not sure how conscious they are in there, or - capable of independent action.  Or did you mean some other sort of..."

"...Wait, why does he even need Fifth Eye for that at all, that's weird, actually!  Lends a lot more credence to there being some sort of possibility of - internal revolt? - if he's keeping one of his hands that close when he does it.  You don't just do that for no reason, though it's probably just clerical.  But - it sounded like you had an idea for how he might be vulnerable when he's doing that?  Did you?"


"I mean, if somebody else is talking, probably he's not listening? Fifth Eye can write, so can most of the Spears, he doesn't require it but I think they do teach all the new ones. But I haven't paid that close attention, it creeped me out even when I didn't have reason to be especially creeped. Also he usually keeps Fifth Eye close, I'd guess it's mostly about having a bodyguard whose loyalty he can trust, like solidly."


Lantry is no longer hiding, and pulls out a small slate and chalk. "I think better in writing," he mutters, and scribbles shorthand.


"Ah, I see.  Alright.  Thank you. Verse."


...And since Lantry is speaking of writing, she is reminded that she has a rather urgent bird to send to Tunon, though she expects that it will not be hurt by minutes spent in conversation.  "Lantry, do try to not let me forget that I need to brief Tunon about today's conversation with Ashe as soon as we're done here; if we're taking out Nerat - however we do it - on our own recognizance, I absolutely must lay as much of the groundwork on prosecuting his treason as I can before the battle's joined."


"Mmmh?," he says, raising his head. "Oh, yes, I'll get it written." Then he's back to his slate. It seems to be a list of years, with some repetitive shorthand comments next to them. He quietly mutters things like 'Mask? Masks?' and 'Final Scream, surely' for about a solid minute before shaking his head and saying "No, I don't think that will help. Damn."

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