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Ophelia is a Fatebinder of Tunon, tasked with delivering Kyros's Edict - 'surrender or die'. This doesn't produce straightforward compliance.
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"Huh. Better than I'd expect from anyone here..."

They discuss for a while.


"She's convinced," Barik says, head stuck out of the tent flap.


"Perfect timing; I just finished sending the mail."

She steps inside the tent, with a curious tension to her.

"Alright.  I will swear you to Kyros's Peace.  You will not make of me a fool or liar.  If the position of all parties to this war does not change in the aftermath of the upcoming parley, we will likely have to act on this intelligence; it was indeed where you said it was.  You will not be asked to fight your erstwhile brothers and sisters in arms.  You may be asked to talk to them or provide assistance finding them."


"If they send someone from this camp to the parley, it will probably move afterward. But... yeah, okay."


"It's not my problem if that happens, is the thing," she mutters, with a wry overtone.  "Fifth Eye assuming I am infinitely available to track down leads he can't claim on his own is his problem."


"I'd guess he'll be annoyed if you don't act on it before the parley and he catches on that you could have, or have told him how to. Which, let's be fair, he's a limb of the Archon of Secrets, he'll catch on."


"If he wants to do that, well, it's his risk to take.  He asked me in on this for a reason, and it was 'his men keep spooking them off'.  Until the parley, though, I can't."


"Will that stop the Voices from being petty? I don't think it ever has before."


"Has anything ever stopped it from being ruled by caprice?"


"True. ...We'll handle it."


"...Handling Archons is my job, Barik.  But thank you."  Her voice is softer than its usual sharp cadence, for just those few words, before it forms up once more.  "I'd best go keep Fifth Eye informed."


"I can wait here, right?"


"You are certainly not obliged to come with me."


She nods.


"Go, Fatebinder. I'll be the guard."


Lantry weighs the pros and cons and decides he might as well head outside with them as well.


Then to find Fifth Eye she, Verse, and Lantry shall go, it seems. 

...Really, if she did not hold such high standards for herself the only person that would blame her is probably her.  Betrayals are betrayals and war is war.  But there's still a tiny part of her, securely stowed away for this conversation, that's still hoping he doesn't go for the bait.


"So she went for it? Alright, let's look in the Eye."


"She did, yes."  Ophelia does not exactly sound happy about that, even so.


Verse considers commenting and decides, nah, she's no good at lying.


That is very reasonable of her.  Ophelia considers commenting on Verse's lack of comment, but when it comes to friends?  She's no good at lying, either.  "I really hate war.  It produces novel ethical dilemmas."


"Your conscience is overactive. I mean, mine's probably underactive, but still, it is."


"You are not the only one thinking that, of the two of us.  ...Where did he go, for goodness's sakes."


"If I'm a bored extra limb of a mad Archon with some vestigial personality... either messing with prisoners, and those are visible, or bugging Dagos for what you asked him about. And that's..."


Got it in two. The racks of gear hide it a little, but Fifth Eye's crimson spear is visible waving over them, and if you listen closer his voice is audible."

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