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Ophelia is a Fatebinder of Tunon, tasked with delivering Kyros's Edict - 'surrender or die'. This doesn't produce straightforward compliance.
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And go she does, although she has a letter to pen before she sleeps.

Prime Earthshaker Radix Ironcore,

It is with concern and regret that I write to inform you that the Earthshakers you dispatched to aid the campaign in Vendrien's Well have not yet reached us, nor have any other messages.  I will most certainly be bending my efforts to their recovery, if at all possible.

How goes reclaiming Viridian from the Stone Sea?  I would hope that there has been progress made in shaping the land so the territory matches the map.

Speaking of which, do mind the Beastfolk, lest they decide your head is better off your shoulders.  Goodness knows they tried to kill me.

I am presently invested in my current posting, but there are many things I can do from here, should they prove helpful in making preferable outcomes happen.  Do let me know what will be useful.


— Fatebinder Ophelia Vaudelle

Governor Emeritus, Azure & Viridian

Duly-Acclaimed Representative of Kyros's Interest in the Vendrien Insurgency

An appropriate mixture of veiled threats if he is skiving and genuine concern if he is not, she thinks.

The best part is that the last bit - which would get oh-so-many who dared try this strategy executed for taking the Overlord's name in vain - is even straightforwardly true.

She did read Kyros's Edict, after all.


It has been...

A day.

It feels like it has been a week.  Feuding Archons, a war within a war, and then the theft of something of hers! - though she's no Archon of Greed.  Still, perhaps more irked that the iron she managed was stolen than that the iron was stolen at all.  Barik's troubles, Verse's troubles...Nerat being entirely too invested in her wellbeing...

Anyway, the iron theft is irking her beyond all proportion, so she turns her thoughts back to it.

Really, if she turned against Kyros, she'd do the same exact thing for the same tactical reasons.  Not that she's necessarily planning any such thing, of course.  And she wouldn't be doing it for Queen and country.  Romantics, the lot of them, and that's never won wars.  No, she'd do it because...


Ah.  That's why.  If they don't move at the first moment they decide to act, they won't move ever, paralyzed by indecision - and someone cast the signal-spell.  Even if it wasn't really a good time.

She's going to have to talk fast to have any hope of turning this around, not that she didn't already know she needed to do that.



She reviews her diptych.  Certain things did not make it in there that maybe should have.  Maybe shouldn't have, though; secrets are secrets and best kept where prying eyes can't see.

On the other hand, she might be able to solve that problem with another.

If she asks around about the Oathbound in the context of Barik's armor, which doesn't not make sense to consider, then the questions she wants to ask on Verse's behalf would be easy to slip in.

That settles it; into the log it goes.


- Track Iron Shipments
-- SC Quartermaster
-- Vendrien?  Prisoners?  Nerat?
-- Letter to Calio, finish & send
-- Track from/to offload point?

- Incoming VG; Diplomatic Stance?
-- SC says no exchanges?  What if Tarkis Demos.
-- Dsfv: No really can you stop killing them actually
-- Edict: How much is everyone willing to annoy K?


- Inquire re: Oathbound
-- Spontaneous formation?
-- Consequences of bond breaking?
--- Resilience?  Memories?  Life-force?  Bonds?

- Martial/Training:
-- Work on combined arms maneuvers V+B
-- Prototype mixed formation fighting
--- Use javelineer Disfavored forms as basis?
--- MINGLE TROOPS for bonding purposes


- Fifth Eye requesting investigation, unknown
- Missing Earthshakers from Viridian: where/why?
- Copies of decree on property disputes for SC
- Find test case for surrendering enemies
- Whose law has primacy anyway?
-- Seriously consider asking Tunon for advice.


It's not looking likely to let up. But her provided tent has space for a squad of bedrolls, so she and Verse (Barik's still elsewhere) can at least get uninterrupted, relatively comfortable sleep.

No one has business to bring to her attention, when she gets up, though there are a few nods of greeting.


She'll return those nods of greeting, and track down Barik.


He is rising a little later than her, but by the time breakfast is acquired, he's up and (with practiced difficulty) eating his own.

"Fatebinder," he nods, when she's approaching.


" ", she says, as she abruptly realizes that she doesn't have a script for this.

"Barikonen.  I believe I may owe you an apology for what transpired yesterday.  I spoke with good intentions, but that does not excuse the hardship caused.  Are you - feeling any better?"


He pauses a moment, choosing his words. "I am no worse."


She nods.  "Tend to yourself as best you can; the mind is as much a weapon as the body."

She lets a few moments pass, unremarked.

"I've some errands to run in the Scarlet Chorus's camp, today."

She lets the statement trail off, an answer in need of a question.  Perhaps even several questions at once.


"I will accompany you, if you desire it."


"I would appreciate that."


He nods. Finishes the food in front on him. "Shall we be off, then?"


"If there's no other things that need tending to."

She's ready to go; is Verse?


Yeah, she's good. Barely needling Barik, even.


Then off they march to the Scarlet Chorus's campsite.


Actually they're going to be interrupted about halfway there. At a bend in the road, a big blue flag is hanging from a tree.

There's a single soldier in Vendrien Guard uniform standing beneath it, watching the road. He waves to someone out of sight when he sees the Fatebinder coming, then stands at attention until she's closer.


When she gets a little closer, Ophelia will see that an unfamiliar mage - her outfit looks like it was made from sailcloth and rigging, so presumably a Tidecaster - is standing on a large flat rock in a clearing just off the bend. A couple more Guards are just behind her.


"Good day to you, fellow travelers."


"Fatebinder. In accordance with ancient customs north and south, I offer and request a delay of blade."


"And in accordance with those ancient customs, north and south, my hand is stayed; I abide by this truce, as will those with me.  I am Fatebinder Ophelia Vaudelle; with me I have Barik of the Disfavored and Verse of the Scarlet Chorus, though as we were not expecting you, these are not their representatives, and I can only bind myself to terms.  Do introduce yourself, if you would?"


She bows slightly in acknowledgement. "Tidecaster Eb of the Vendrien Guard. I am not in command of my army either, but there are matters we might discuss."


"If it were not for the circumstances, it would be a great pleasure; magic has always fascinated me.  What might those matters be?"

She favors Eb with an equal bow; she expects the woman to either not notice, or appreciate the message.


"As is our custom, we are ready to kill to defend our lands, but we kill only in fair battle, we don't slay our prisoners. We know this isn't Kyros's way, but we ask anyway. A few of my kin have gone missing, and though they may have perished, I inquire in the hope they still live. If Captain Tarkis Demos is alive, we would negotiate for his release."


"As it happens, he is.  If there are other names...

"I certainly think the Archon of War would be more willing to consider ordering your people preferentially kept alive should they surrender to the Disfavored if his people who surrendered were reliably and regularly returned to him; the problem is that his forces do not trust the Vendrien Guard's words.  Kyros's Law is fairly unambiguous about what should happen to those who breach its Peace, so I've little recourse to affect that myself.  The Archon of Secrets is...not someone I can reliably predict, but I see no reason Nerat would not be open to prisoner exchanges, except in the way that it prefers everyone to be made grist for its Chorus.  If your people refuse to cooperate with initiation...  The problem is that I quite expect anyone you hope to trade back to be treated poorly in the interim.

"That is, of course, the situation if we remain at war.  I have certain precedents that could be leveraged to protect the members of the Vendrien Guard if we find ourselves in a peace, however unlikely this must seem.

"I know you do not trust me, but this course of action is not going to produce the results your command seeks.  I've seen much of the Tiers, and they are in no shape to rise."


"Is he," she says, obviously quite surprised, "In whose care? And what of my cousin, Pelox Tyrel?"

"Nerat might exchange prisoners, if he didn't devour them like he tried to do to the remaining elders of my School, and to the Wild Wrath. And when he sent them back, they would be half spies and broken men. The Disfavored - even against the Unbroken, who they barely insulted at all, they still took and tortured prisoners."

To the talk of peace, she just shakes her head slightly, without a real response.


"Presently in the Chorus's hands - but in my care, in that I have claimed - and, so it seems, correctly - that he was 'worth preserving for trade', to them.  I rather thought you might want him back well, and not - of the Chorus."  Her next lines are quieter, meant for Eb's ears alone.  "Between you and me...I think there is not a person present here who does not revolt from Nerat's methods.  The Wild Wrath...If you heard of the commotion" - fire everywhere, desperately thrown illusions shimmering to distract and distort, Vigor throbbing in her heartbeat like a drum as she dodged what she could not distract, and thank goodness she learned how to tumble - "a short while before everything started happening all at once, that was me, exiting the building after I tried to get them to not meet him, and instead bargain with me as the next best thing to an Archon, that would actually stick to her terms.  It...did not really work.  They - were too prideful to listen.

"I don't know if I've seen a Pelox Tyrel, unfortunately, let alone had the chance to intervene in his disposition as a prisoner.

"If you've a description it is possible I could put a name to a face, though given that I arrived only yesterday, I can't say I expect to recognize him."

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