Huh, says Mathriel over their Telepathic bond, when he gives her a lift up to engage some invisible undead graveknight-archers that've been sniping very successfully at the men. He's not usually her attached wizard, but her usual attached wizard was murdered a minute ago and is still in the middle of being Raised.

Iomedae's trying to do this without expending any smites; it's the early hours of the night and the fighting will last through all of it. She's somewhat distracted. But Mathriel does not clutter their high-priority channel with 'huh' much. Urgent?

Maybe. I caught a look at the place these guys arrived here from ten minutes ago. I saw some faces and it looked like their offsite command for this fight. I don't recognize the location, but confidently guess it's not Urgir or Gallowspire or Kronquist.


Which is strange, because offsite command operations have to be based on this plane - Telepathic Bonds don't work across planes - and those are the only places they know to be truly successfully defended against them, the only places Arazni can't blast her way into if sufficiently motivated, and 'go drop in on the place from where Ehersior is running this fight when he's not on the field' is absolutely sufficient motivation. 

The Shining Crusade usually has its own offsite command in Vellumis. Arazni secured it against such incursions. She's in the middle of doing the same for Fort Lorrin, so they can have the offsite command in a location that is harder to infiltrate; Vellumis is a major port city, and so inevitably full of spies. They have a specialized crystal-ball-and-mirror setup, for watching the fighting from the perspective of dedicated scouts in midair, and they have Telepathic Bonds to convey what they can figure out, and they have teams there ready to Teleport to the field where they can see they're needed.  Teams which would Teleport to the battlefield not imagining that might betray the location they departed from, because Trace Teleport is a spell Mathriel invented himself and no one knows that it exists.

(It's not a very good spell. It doesn't give you a clear enough impression of the destination that you can Teleport to it. Mathriel's working on that.)