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this is an objectively stupid thread but I couldn't get it out of my head
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"At home the hoses do not make water and only bite, so it is good that hoses here do not bite and do make water. It is good that there is enough food and I can eat meat and pancakes and churros even when not a holiday. It is bad that I am made a foster child when I do not want, it is bad when Lily is having bad dreams, it is bad when I not know all the things that are illegal."


She has no idea what the girl means but it's probably a language confusion? Her boss said they don't have a translator because they're indigenous or something. It's not relevant, anyway. 


How often does she feel stressed? Worried? Unhappy? Angry? Afraid? 


"...I do not know how all of those words are different."


Jessie really feels that it is kind of insane to do a behavioral health assessment on an indigenous kid with limited English without a translator. "Uh, angry is - aaaaargh, I'm so mad at you," she says, shaking her first self-consciously. "Worried is - this seems bad, I will stay quiet, look for trouble, expect bad things to happen. Unhappy is sad. Stressed is - aaah this is so much I can't handle all this, I feel like I'm drowning. Afraid is - it feels like something is coming to hurt me -"


"I feel afraid when la migra take me and everyone I know and give me pizza. I feel unhappy when I am made a foster child and not want that. I feel stressed never. I feel worried many days. Bad things happen, so I think worry is not wrong worry."


"How often have you felt like you don't care about anything, or like nothing matters, or like there is no point in doing anything?"


"I do not feel that way any days." She's looking at the nurse like she's an idiot, again.


"How often have you wanted to be by yourself?"


"...not any days?"


"How often have you felt mad?"


"Mad is like angry? I think I not feel mad any days."


"How often have you felt fed up - uh, that means like - frustrated, or out of patience, or annoyed -"


"...I don't know those words either. I am fed every day? Evelyn is a good foster parent."


" - that's good," she says a bit faintly. "How often have you felt like something very bad might happen?"


"I in America seven twenty days, bad thing happen...six time? Very bad thing happen two time. So I think very bad thing happen...three ten days?  and half day."







"- I don't understand exactly what you just said but it sounds like a lot of scary things have happened. Do you feel particularly scared when you go to bed at night?"


"What is 'particularly'?"


"More than usual. More scared at bed time than other times."


"No, not more scared at bed time than other times."


"Do you think you get scared very easily? At things other people would not be scared of?"


"...I think sometimes people not scared of things because they not very good thinking. At home there boy say 'I not scared of brown thing' but should be scared of brown thing, go look for brown thing, brown thing kill him. I scared of brown thing and he not but he alive if he scared of brown thing."




"...brown thing? A...bear? I'm - really sorry to hear that. That sounds really upsetting. Was this someone who was a friend of yours?"


"Maybe? I don't know what safe English word for brown thing is, why I say brown thing. He was not a particularly friend of mine."




Do you feel particularly afraid to go to school?"

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