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this is an objectively stupid thread but I couldn't get it out of my head
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Iomedae is so fond of Evelyn that for a brief second she's not even blazingly furious about the pretending Evelyn is her mother. "I would like, ma'am."


"Well, let me check if Alfirin wants that too, okay?"

And she goes to knock on the other door.


America is such a baffling place. She would really expect a process this humiliating and miserable could only be produced by someone who preferred it or at least did not disprefer it; she would never have imagined it would have resulted from people apparently trying to be principled. It is in some sense deeply discouraging. 


"Hey, AlFEERin, your mom says that you and Iomedae might be more comfortable if we did both your exams in the same room. That would mean Iomedae might see or overhear your exam results, but it also means you two can talk to each other and it might be less scary, okay? Do you want that?"


"...Yes, I want that. Why you ask me?"


"So, you have the right to medical confidentiality, which means that only your doctors and your foster care team and other people working to help you have access to your medical test results without your agreement. If I asked Iomedae to come in here, and she saw your test results, she would have private information you maybe didn't want her to have, and that's not very fair to you."


...Okay that's not in fact crazy though it is taking the concept to a kind of crazy extreme. "Okay. I want be in a room with Iomedae, even if she see my test results."


"Great!" Then she'll herd the other Central American teenager over. "Okay, the first thing we're going to do is measure you and weigh you. I will show you how we do this on a doll, first, so it's not surprising." The doll can stand up against the wall and be measured. The doll can go on the scale and be weighed. This is the procedure for foster care six year olds and most teenagers would be murderous if you did it to them. 


It is well intentioned. And somewhat interesting. "How the weigh work?"


" - the scale? It shows a number here which is how much you weigh."


"Yes, but how does it know."



"It's electronic."


"...but how does it know?" the thing is lightning? And that's supposed to mean it can know how big they are?


Probably the poor nurse also doesn't have a one-line explanation, and it's not her job to give these ravenously curious incredible kids a science education. realizing that she doesn't actually have the slightest idea how digital scales work. Something with magnets??? 

"Why don't we Google that later once we're home?" she suggests. "I - don't actually know how exactly it works, but I bet it's interesting." 

She is doing kind of more hovering than she would usually prefer, but she also doesn't want the conversation to be derailed repeatedly by Science Curiosity. 


Are they ready to weigh and measure the kids now? Yes? 


"Are you both okay with hearing your weight? Some kids who've struggled with eating issues prefer the doctor not tell them their weight. We still need it for your charts."



"I do not understand at all."


"...I am same weight as four rocks. Know already."


"...which four rock - all right. How about I tell you your weight, and talk about whether your weight puts you at risk of any health problems, and if that's bothering you, you can say 'nurse, that's enough' and I'll stop, okay?"


"- okay."


"So, Iomedae, it looks like you are 5'6", and 190 pounds. And we have a tool that lets us ask - is that a healthy weight at your height? And what it's telling me is that that is technically obese. Now, that doesn't mean you did anything wrong. And it doesn't even necessarily mean you need to lose weight - you've still got some growing to do, so I'd say our focus would be more on maintaining your weight in a healthy way while the rest of you catches up."


Those numbers and words don't really mean anything but she'll nod and smile politely. 


Iomedae is ABSOLUTELY NOT obese, what the fuck, but she doesn't seem upset and the nurse doesn't seem inclined to dwell on it and Evelyn is inclined to just...mention later that she isn't worried. Possibly Iomedae has no idea what the nurse even meant, since her description of it was not, in any way, linked to 'eating food'. 


She's really only catching around one word in three. She is picking up on the 'trying to be nonjudgmental, while being super judgmental', but Americans are baffling and she is probably being judged for some American thing they invented themselves and which she doesn't care about. She accepts a pamphlet on healthy eating. 


"Alfirin, you are 5'1" and 96 pounds. Now, every body is different, but that's a little thin at your height. Would you say that you got enough to eat at home?"


...Well she's alive, isn't she? "...yes? I eat enough at home?"

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