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this is an objectively stupid thread but I couldn't get it out of my head
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Iomedae is not going to speak to free people uninvited but she'll smile back and dip her head politely.


Evelyn is concerned that Iomedae has no idea what the rules are supposed to be for interacting with adults outside of their house and is, for whatever reason related to what she took away from events yesterday, suddenly terrified of getting in trouble with the government/police/ICE? 

She's not really sure what to do about it. Telling Iomedae that it's fine to talk to people at the food bank is definitely not going to cut it, and it's - fair enough, really, that Iomedae doesn't trust her about that kind of thing. Evelyn did nothing to keep her friends safe. 

Well, maybe the best she can do is continue demonstrating what is and isn't safe and appropriate. And hope they relax eventually, when (hopefully) nothing else bad happens to them. 

"I'm Evelyn," she reminds the young nurse. "These are my foster daughters Iomedae and Alfirin. They're both new to living in a - big city," she does not need to get into the details, for confidentiality reasons if nothing else. "I bet they'd be curious to know what working in a hospital is like." 


Oh no has she been volunteered for a surprise social interaction. Why. ...The answer to 'why' is that she signed up for this, by volunteering at a food bank site. She is always supposed to be open to surprise social interactions, it's just, ugh, she's TIRED. 

Marian smiles brightly, as though she hasn't just made decisions and choices about her sleep cycle and agreed to come in for her usual Monday morning 9-12 shift after taking a night shift for Kristen last night so Kristen could fly out to see her boyfriend's sick mother. Marian is terrible at saying no to things like that even though night shifts are the worst. 

"I'm not sure I would know where to start!" she says, mostly pointing it at Iomedae and Alfirin. "It's - like a doctor's office but way, way bigger. And with a lot more fancy medical equipment and machines, so we can take care of very sick people." 


"Do you know why doesn't God do that?"


That does seem like the obvious question, given that Jesus is not in fact a god of torture.


Oh nooooooooooo why this Marian is going to perish of social awkwardness on the spot. This is the worst conversation to have on no sleep since she woke up at noon yesterday.  

"Uh. Nnnno, I guess I don't know why not." She CANNOT say that she's never heard of God healing people in real life or that she's pretty sure that's not a thing, that would be so disrespectful and mean. Where did these kids even grow up. Are they from some kind of evangelical cult that believes in faith healing. 


"No gods heal people here?"


"I think no gods heal people here. Even though Jesus nice god, not torture god."


"Jesus very no torture god! Jesus be torture to save us! But I don't understand why hospitals. God healing everyone work good I think."


"This thing" - she makes a cross with her arms - "see, not know nice god."


What the fuck. This conversation is too surreal to have on this little sleep. The nice (and painfully extroverted) foster carer lady, who she once had an actually quite pleasant ten-minute conversation with in an endless Walmart checkout line, seemed very enthusiastic for her to talk to the kids though.

"Did you, uh, hear about God healing people in the place you come from?" she says, in as friendly a tone as she can manage. Where even did they come from. The lady - Evelyn, that's it, EvelynEvelynEvelyn she's not going to forget it in case she runs into her AGAIN - just said it wasn't a big city, but maybe it wasn't even in America, they don't seem to speak incredibly fluent English. And also apparently are super confused about Jesus. Why this. 


"Yes. God heal everyone every day where I from because that is His job. I do not know why He does not do it here."


"Other thing like God heal everyone where I from because - no words because. I sorry."


'Because that's his job' is not, actually, a take on faith healing Marian had heard before. She's kind of fascinated, in a 'watching a train heading toward a collapsed bridge' kind of way.

The two kids...maybe aren't from the same place, just both very far away? They don't look similar, that makes sense. Marian is so confused right now and kind of out of words to say about it. 

"Well, here we don't have that, so instead people go to school and learn to be nurses and doctors," she says. "And we have to use medications and surgery to help people get better when they're sick or injured." 


"That is good of you. Thank you. ...I sword a man Friday and think God heal him but that did not happen. He go to a hospital. I glad someone help him since God not doing it."







...Normal smile normal smile normal smile do NOT freak out about accidentally running into the person who STABBED HER PATIENT and who she can't even be mad at because he TRIED TO RAPE HER. Both of which are, separately, new and exciting instances of "who even DOES that" and "why is Reno LIKE this". 



She's also now very badly torn between 'mentioning anything to random people she just met about one of her patients is the most unprofessional thing imaginable' and the fact that the poor sweet girl who thinks Jesus should heal people because it's his job is probably worried. 

"I'm sure he'll be okay," she says in a mostly fairly normal voice. 


...Which is the point at which Evelyn's memory of their conversation finally volunteers that didn't Marian say she works in the trauma unit, she almost certainly heard about Martin and no wonder she's making weird faces, she must feel so stuck on what to say. And may or may not even know that the guy is getting deported. Evelyn still hasn't had a chance to tell Iomedae but here is not the place. 


"I am not sure of that," Iomedae says to Marian, "but you know more about hospitals."


"Some people you sword a lot, they still be okay."


"Yes, but if he was great hero, then I no have been able sword him. I didn't even use holy warrior powers."


Holy warrior powers??? Marian is slightly starting to feel like she's hallucinating from sleep deprivation. Or having a stroke. This is too weird to be actually happening. 

"We know a lot about treating serious injuries," she says, because that at least isn't unprofessional. "If he was young and healthy," she knows he was both and this conversation is mortifying, "he's likely to make a full recovery, with rehab and stuff." 


Evelyn is now feeling SLIGHTLY bad about dragging this clearly very tired nurse who probably has actual work to do into the kinds of conversations you end up having with Iomedae. 

"I know it's the middle of your volunteer shift," she says to Marian, "but I'd love to have you over for dinner sometime, if you'd like that." 


Who invites you to dinner when they've met you twice??? Evelyn, apparently. Somehow Marian is not even very surprised. 

"I, uh, sure, that's really nice of you. I can...give you my phone number, I guess?" 

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