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this is an objectively stupid thread but I couldn't get it out of my head
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....Jeremy is feeling like he maybe missed some of the conversation here and it was important. 


Evelyn smiles apologetically at him. 

"- Yeah. I - so I do really want to take Lily to the science museum at some point, okay? But Jeremy can play with her here for an hour or two, and - I understand why it's important to you to say goodbye to your friends, and tell them you're okay."


(She's not entirely sure what la migra means but she can guess, and - it's not exactly false that they got Iomedae, but the more important part here is that Iomedae is okay.)


"....Do you actually have an address I can drive to? Or a place on a map, I can pull up Google Maps...?" 


"...I no have that. I could get there from the church where I bring Martin? Which was Holy Spirit Catholic Church in New Washoe."


...Jeremy knows when to take a cue, and will go look that up. 


He's back less than a minute later. "It's like a 25 minute drive away. - I don't mind playing with Lily while you go over."


(Lily got bored of sitting at the table ten minutes ago and is currently having a "fm'ly g'mmet" with her Barbies in the lounge.) 


"Thank you, Jeremy. I do want go over. Next week they gone I think."


...Yeah, this does seem like it might be a time-sensitive opportunity. 

"I understand," Evelyn hears herself say, even though this is very aaaaah and she is absolutely dreading writing her log notes for tonight. "I– thank you for trusting me with this, Iomedae." It feels like the right thing to say even though it sounds incredibly stupid to her and probably even stupider to Iomedae. "...I'll go start the car, okay? Why don't you go give Lily a hug and tell her we're going?" 


Grandpa not-even-a-real-Barbie is currently being shoved into the duffel bag of legos so he can drown in a spiky lake of spiky lava. 



....Lily will belatedly look up at Iomedae if she walks over. 


"Lily, I go speak to my friends. They no have work today because holy day. I back in some time. Evelyn go with me."


...Lily runs at Iomedae and hugs her around the middle. "NO go!" 


This was incredibly predictable and Evelyn is aware she could have avoided the whole thing by not telling Iomedae to give Lily a hug first before they left. 


...She gently peels Lily off Iomedae. "Lily, love, we're going to go have a boring grownup conversation. And Jeremy is going to stay here and look after you, yeah? Why don't you go tell Jeremy what toys you want to play with - I bet you've got some toys he's never even seen before -" 


Lily is easily distracted. 


Jeremy is definitely familiar with all of the toys Lily owns and Evelyn feels very slightly bad about being misleading– okay, well, maybe just lying - but mostly she wants to get out the door with Iomedae while it's still not quite 1 pm and they can maybe make it there and back and still manage to visit the science museum with its planetarium before it closes. 


She'll be at the door, putting her shoes on. 


Iomedae will put her boots back on as well. 


"My father would say, is good sometimes tell child 'you not get thing you want because sun no rise just for you'. If you no say this, child maybe think sun do rise just for you."


That's tricky enough to respond to that Evelyn is going to just...not...until they're in the car and she's put the destination address into her GPS, hoping that for once she can manage to not have a GPS disaster trying to follow its instructions to a place she's never driven before. 


"...Yeah," she manages, once they're a block away. "I think that's wise, and good advice. ...I don't think it's what Lily needs, right now, she's -" 

(This entire conversation is possibly a terrible idea but - if she's trusting Iomedae enough to drive her out to meet her illegal immigrant friends, which she clearly is, she should grant her some maturity...) 

"- Lily was treated very badly by the family she was born to. Probably - she hasn't been able to tell us, but - I've taken care of a lot of children, I've been doing this for twenty years, almost. And - I think living with me is the first time anyone has ever tried to put what she needs first. So - yes, she also needs to learn that sometimes she can't always have what she wants, but...." 


"Lily mother father evil?"


Wow that is hard to figure out a graceful response to while trying to focus on getting onto the highway. 

"...I don't know. I haven't met Lily's mother or father, but - I think someone who was around her was pretty evil, probably, yeah. ...Though sometimes mothers or fathers can't keep their children safe or take good care of them, and it's not because they're bad, just because they're - hurting too, and..."

Shrug. "I guess that doesn't excuse it, does it. Lily's - hurt, either way - and so I try to be very gentle with her, even when she behaves badly." 


"People should do right thing even if hurting too. God hurting when he say - Padre, perdónalos -"



Evelyn is currently driving a car, which is a very good reason not to randomly cry even though she has feelings.

"I know. But - I think God was stronger than - wow, I mean, probably any of us. And I think - I think God wouldn't want Lily's mother or father to burn in Hell." 


...was that an awful response. Evelyn has no idea. She's operating on half of her brain right now because she's trying to follow confusing GPS directions.


"No! God not want that! God never want that for anybody! That why - padre, perdónalos - 




I don't know if God stronger than me. I very strong."


....Okay she's gotten onto the right highway and the GPS is telling her she doesn't have to exit for a while.


"Yeah. You are very strong. I've seen that. But - you're still very young, and you - if you want to help people, here in Nevada, you - there's a lot you have to learn. I think God would - want you to take a step back and look around and try to understand - you're smart, Iomedae, I know you don't think so, but you're learning so much, so fast... But your - the things you learned from your parents, as a kid, I think a lot of them aren't true, here in America -" 

Half of that felt incredibly stupid to say out loud but Evelyn is genuinely unsure which half. 


"I think you right. Things different here. God want me understand, so I can find what important. There is so much and it is so strange.


But I no want to - sleep on bed so soft, own so many clothes, have so many confusing problems I no can remember people burning in Hell and it my job save them."


"Yeah. I know it's really confusing. I - don't think you're going to forget, I really can't imagine you forgetting, you - can let me dress you in nicer clothes and you're still definitely not going to forget - 


- sorry, I do want to talk to you about this but I actually really need to focus on driving. Is it okay if I put the radio on and we can talk about this later?" 


"Yes! I like the radio!"


They can have cheerful Christian Rock, then, for the next twenty minutes until they reach the church address that Evelyn plugged into the GPS. 

"Right. You're going to have to direct me from here." 

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