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Version: 1
Fields Changed (Original)
The standards of what can and cannot be known
Mad-science Walta from Frostpunk gets thrown into another world entirely

When the IEC left, they left behind ships. Vehicles. The frost came far sooner than anybody expected. And the hasty, bold plan to head up to the Generator sites for shelter anyway- Well, they got across the ocean alright, mostly. They unloaded the vehicles okay, mostly, though they had to slowly and oh so carefully work their way over the last mile or so to shore, over ice that was perilously thin and dropped a few people under, never to come back up. After that, a convoy of steam-powered sledge trucks heading inland with carefully banked fuel supplies, to the site of what maybe, hopefully, please God give us a chance, is a Generator site. She even managed to work on some of them as they went, keeping a couple of broken machines in operation, in far from ideal circumstances.

But she'll never see the Generator site, because on one of the narrow parts of the path, an icy trail with steep slick slopes on either side, something fails. Part of the ledge collapses, sending the massive machine she and fifteen others are sheltering within sliding down the slope, faster and faster, until it hits a rock or divot of some kind and starts tumbling, meat and metal screaming and shearing in the last few seconds. She hits her head on a protruding pipe, and it all goes black.

Version: 2
Fields Changed Content
The standards of what can and cannot be known
Mad-science Walta from Frostpunk gets thrown into another world entirely

When the IEC left, the evacuation of Bristol before the frost a broad failure, they left behind ships. Vehicles. The frost came far sooner than anybody expected. And the hasty, bold plan to head up to the Generator sites for shelter anyway- Well, they got across the ocean alright, mostly. They unloaded the vehicles okay, mostly, though they had to slowly and oh so carefully work their way over the last mile or so to shore, over ice that was perilously thin and dropped a few people under, never to come back up. After that, a convoy of steam-powered sledge trucks heading inland with carefully banked fuel supplies, to the site of what maybe, hopefully, please God give us a chance, is a Generator site. She even managed to work on some of them as they went, keeping a couple of broken machines in operation, in far from ideal circumstances.

But she'll never see the Generator site, because on one of the narrow parts of the path, an icy trail with steep slick slopes on either side, something fails. Part of the ledge collapses, sending the massive machine she and fifteen others are sheltering within sliding down the slope, faster and faster, until it hits a rock or divot of some kind and starts tumbling, meat and metal screaming and shearing in the last few seconds. She hits her head on a protruding pipe, and it all goes black.

Version: 3
Fields Changed Content
The standards of what can and cannot be known
Mad-science Walta from Frostpunk gets thrown into another world entirely

When the IEC left, the evacuation of Bristol before the frost a broad failure, they left behind ships. Vehicles. The frost came far sooner than anybody expected. And the hasty, bold plan to head up to the Generator sites for shelter anyway- Well, they got across the ocean alright, mostly. They unloaded the vehicles okay, mostly, though they had to slowly and oh so carefully work their way over the last mile or so to shore, over ice that was perilously thin and dropped a few people under, never to come back up. Food was already looking very thin, and the cold was getting to everyone, with many sick or injured. But they pressed on. After that, a convoy of steam-powered sledge trucks heading inland with carefully banked fuel supplies, to the site of what maybe, hopefully, please God give us a chance, is a Generator site. She even managed to work on some of them as they went, keeping a couple of broken machines in operation, in far from ideal circumstances.

But she'll never see the Generator site, because on one of the narrow parts of the path, an icy trail with steep slick slopes on either side, something fails. Part of the ledge collapses, sending the massive machine she and fifteen others are sheltering within sliding down the slope, faster and faster, until it hits a rock or divot of some kind and starts tumbling, meat and metal screaming and shearing in the last few seconds. She hits her head on a protruding pipe, and it all goes black.

Version: 4
Fields Changed Board, section
Continuity Changed from Sandboxes to Wraths of the Utterly Unrighteous
Version: 5
Fields Changed Status