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hob gadling in the neverwinter nights OC
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"That's. ... Huh." He tilts his head thoughtfully at the wheel as Boddyknock goes around it naming points. Quite a few of those sound familiar - he's heard of there being an Asgard, and Mount Celestia could be Olympus by another name... or maybe the Olympian Glades are that... and he already mentioned Limbo himself, and he's heard people claim that Hades and Hell are importantly distinct... "I think usually, when scientists very excitedly tell everyone that they've figured out a grand model of cosmology that perfectly explains everything, it eventually turns out that something more complicated is going on, but that is a very elegant grand model, thanks for the lecture. You come up with that, or it's popular in Lantan, or if I asked Eltoora Sharptyl whether it was true she'd look at me like I just asked her if the planet was flat?" 


"She'd look at you like you were cruelly demanding she talk about elementary laws of reality instead of spell development or the Netherese sewer system, assuming we are referring to the same Eltoora. But if you cornered her, she would agree with the model. And lambast me for neglecting to mention the Astral Plane, which backs the entire system. ...speaking of the Astral, she could probably take you to at least a few of the listed planes, she's powerful enough, though I'm not sure how that would interact with the quarantine. Perhaps better to stick with scrying."

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