On an average day, most of the time he's awake Nick pays attention with half a brain, trying to grab one of the incoming summons. He's finally the first one to respond about halfway through a recording of some old TV show.
Biology can be pretty fun. He's really quite excited by now, but nothing says they have to get to the main event too fast. He doesn't want to feel like he's ignoring any part of Daphne. Some spots are clearly more deserving of repeated visits than others, though.
He's so observant.
This would probably be easier if they were on a bed! There's one over there.
Ah, a bed! New positions to try. Excellent.
The order of operations might be a little off here given that their pants are already gone, but how does Daphne like it when he removes his t-shirt and starts on hers a couple of minutes later?
It's a chain reaction of pleasedness!
His kisses and touches migrate down a little, hover there for a while, then down some more...
Mmmm. That feels nice. She'll have to return the favor. It's a good thing there are so many places on the human or near-human body that can feel nice, isn't it?
Indeed it is.
Favors are exchanged. Nick is as good at multitasking as he first claimed, and he miiight be cheating just a little with his fairy abilities.
Nick is not likely to be the one to decide they're done. Daeva don't get more than a certain amount of tired.
Yeah, they're going to be a while. Daphne's stamina is finite but it's noticeably higher than what might one expect from a normal human, if one has the experience to notice such things.
Nick probably has the experience to notice such things, but doesn't actually manage to actually think about it. It's great fun, though, isn't it?
When Daphne does eventually seem to be done he mentions that he's perfectly willing to sleep here (warm afterglowy feelings are nice), or not, at her preference.
The next morning is a school morning, which means a fairly shrill alarm at seven.
Nick is quite startled by the alarm. He's not used to having one at all.
He doesn't touch the alarm, but while he's getting dressed he comments, "Yesterday was extremely fun. We should do it again some time."
"Definitely," she says, slapping the alarm off, sitting up and stretching.
"Ahh. What a nice break from nerding out. Time to go continue improving science and technology."
"You have fun with with that. I have less groundbreaking classes to attend. There's a shower in the bathroom if you want to use it," she says, gesturing to a door.
"...Probably a good idea, thanks."
He showers, and re-dresses, and flies out the window, and buys breakfast from the town, and tries to reforge the nerdiness amalgam by visiting various professors.
He kind of expected someone from the government to take an interest by now, enough that he could invite himself to the CDC and distribute anti- this and thats. How likely is that to occur, o professor squad?
Maybe he should go to China. They could probably really use some of the pollutant-capturing tech he's thinking of, for example.
He's already distributed a bunch of approximately 2100-level textbooks. Does anyone want to buy exclusive rights to some 2150-level tech so he can make a quick buck and begin venture capitalism?