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Version: 1
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even I cannot break it
the Steel Exiles don't know how to maintain their wardstone

They're doing pretty well, honestly. Coming up on a year, and they have three hundred combatants, plus enough support people to sustain them. They haven't pushed the lines in beyond what they need to be clear of the grandmother's chickens, but they haven't had their line leak, either. She's considering trying to push in a few hundred paces and move the wardstone up.

Estel told her, though, that the wardstones do need maintenance, and that while she could probably do it herself, she doesn't know how. Lastwall handles it, she said, at a slightly irregular schedule so that demons can't attack while it's vulnerable. But soon.

Version: 2
Fields Changed Content
even I cannot break it
the Steel Exiles don't know how to maintain their wardstone

They're doing pretty well, honestly. Coming up on a year, and they have three hundred combatants, plus enough support people to sustain them. They haven't pushed the lines in beyond what they need to be clear of the grandmother's chickens, but they haven't had their line leak, either. She's considering trying to push in a few hundred paces and move the wardstone up. Just one out of dozens, but even so, it would help a little all around the line.

Estel told her, though, that the wardstones do need maintenance, and that while she could probably do it herself, she doesn't know how. Lastwall handles it, she said, at a slightly irregular schedule so that demons can't attack while it's vulnerable. But soon.

Version: 3
Fields Changed Content
even I cannot break it
the Steel Exiles don't know how to maintain their wardstone

They're doing pretty well, honestly. Coming up on a year, and they have three hundred combatants, plus enough support people to sustain them. They haven't pushed the lines in beyond what they need to be clear of the grandmother's chickens, but they haven't had their line leak, either. She's considering trying to push in a few hundred paces and move the wardstone up.

Estel told her, though, that the wardstones do need maintenance, and that while she could probably do it herself, she doesn't know how. Lastwall handles it, she said, at a slightly irregular schedule so that demons can't attack while it's vulnerable. But soon.