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Equilibrium!Jay gets dropped on Sith Dusk
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And Pradnakt will likewise sleep.

The radio starts beeping half an hour past noon.


Rhoda has been awake for a little while, but found herself enjoying not having to immediately get up. She slides out from under the table when she hears the radio beeping, but can't quite make herself enter the room. She does manage to tap quietly on the door.


Yeah, come in.


She slides inside, closing the door behind her again and rubbing one hand against her eyes a little sleepily. She takes a couple of steps towards the bed.


Pradnakt adjusts the pillows so there's a spot for her to sit propped up against them and pats the bed invitingly, then turns on the radio. "Morning, Love."

"Good morning."

"Find everything okay?"

"About as usual. Everything important, anyway."

"Good. Talk to Rhoda?"

"Mmhmm, put her on."


Rhoda settles against the pillows, curling her legs under her. She'll take the microphone when it's offered.

"G'morning?" she says.


"Good morning. How are you doing?"


"I'm...fine," and she's surprised to realise she means that. "Pradnakt let me have cookies for dinner. They were good." Pause. "How're you?"


"I'm good. I suppose cookies for dinner is okay once in a while," she says, in a teasing tone. "I'm glad they turned out well."


"Mhmm. Pradnakt said they were good. We rolled some in sugar for her."


"I bet she liked that."


"She seemed to, yes." She's beaming, but then hesitates. "How long before you're back?"


"It's a long drive, but I'll be leaving soon; I should be back before sunset is over. Is something wrong?"


"No," she shakes her head in time with answering that, even if Daisy can't see her. She isn't entirely sure how to articulate the thought that she's missing Daisy, she isn't used to the sensation in the first place.


Well, that's a problem with an obvious solution. "She misses you." You miss her. It won't be much longer. (Hug.)


...Oh. Thank you. She repeats that sentiment aloud, somehow feeling it's important to say it.


"Aww." Daisy: charmed. "Well, I'll get back as soon as I can, I just have a couple more things to do here. I did want to ask - Dusk says you liked the idea of getting a quail, but you were worried about being able to take care of it; we'll help you with that, of course, and I can just do everything if you end up not wanting to. Do you want to give it a try?"


Rhoda thinks about that, curls down a little bit as she does so. "...If it isn't...going to be an inconvenience? I...think so? Yes?" It would be nice, she thinks, but it's hard to say that still.


"It really isn't, they're almost the same as chickens. I'll pick out a cute one for you," she grins.


Rhoda gives a slight giggle. "Thank you."


"You're entirely welcome."


She grins, and doesn't bounce. (She kinda wants to.) "I- See you soon?"


"Mmhmm. Four hours, maybe five. I can call you on the way if you're around."

"We're going to go see some more art," Pradnakt puts in.

"Oh, well. Enjoy the art, then. I'll be back before you know it."


"I'll...I'll try. I...if it's anything like the other trail that's not going to be hard." (She half wishes she'd be around, but at the same time, she's still not entirely sure about the whole conversation thing.)


"I'm sure you'll be fine. And the sooner I leave the sooner I'll be back, so I guess I'd better get going."

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