There is a strange woman sitting at one of the tables at the soup kitchen, writing at a desk. Both the non-volunteer adult and the expensive electronic device are very out of place.
"I don't have to go very far; they're all here."
He crosses the room. He talks to a slightly older child, who reacts with wary surprise. He comes back. It doesn't take more than a minute in all.
"Yes. 'If' is in this case used as a conditional, rather than a marker of uncertainty--it would probably have been more clear to say 'since'."
She closes her desk, puts it in her bag and slings her bag over her shoulder. She debates internally whether to offer him her hand but decides that he is small enough it would probably not work out that well.
He does not attempt to smile at anyone else, but he is happier as they get farther from familiar territory.
His taste in clothes is overwhelmingly practical, but where colour-related options exist he prefers dark greys to anything else.
Happier farther away from familiar territory sure is a thing, isn't it. Poor kid.
He can have an entirely reasonable selection of practical dark grey clothing.
Yyyyyep. She is getting a proper meal into this kid as soon as feasible. Which is not right away because overfeeding starving people has horrible consequences. Meanwhile: "Can you read?"
...he may need a moment to deal with the existence of this many books.
Okay, moment over. Time to investigate.
Well. Hopefully Martin doesn't have the social acuity to notice that enough to be offended by it.
...Books and clothes will have to be carried back to familiar territory, unfortunately, since she's staying with one of the soup kitchen volunteers in an apartment above the facility.
Good. They can have lunch before they go back, if he wants, somewhere that serves food dissimilar to the soup kitchen stuff.