There is a strange woman sitting at one of the tables at the soup kitchen, writing at a desk. Both the non-volunteer adult and the expensive electronic device are very out of place.
"If it's sentimentally important to you to give me your name then I think you should do that."
She considers this.
"It isn't," she says. "Like I said, the nuns who raised me made it up. I don't have a mother or father who had it before me, to pass it on from. I like it, but--it's sentimentally important to give you a name you'll like, like I like mine, not one that's exactly the same as mine."
"Okay. Do you have any idea what kinds of names you like, or should I guess until I come up with something you do?"
"Okay...Matthew Mark Luke John Joshua Charles Simon Solomon Erik Theodore Wesley Arthur Martin Jasper Rupert Ezra Ronald Peter Paul Sebastian William Anthony."
He takes a second to consider, and then says, "I think my favourites out of those are Martin and Solomon."
Awwwwwww poor socially maladjusted smol. She sort of wants to scoop him up and hug him forever but that would be a seriously bad idea he probably would not react well., probably even asking is a bad idea, remember what he said about the surname, he would probably not feel secure enough to refuse. "Should I start listing last names I know?"
"Hm...Bianchi Rossi Angelo Piazza Smith Black Brown Lenz Bauer Mikhaelov...Chekhov Monroe Fraser Arbuthnott Boswell Calhoun...Murphy Kelly Carroll Buckley...Munoz Garcia Lopez Kittredge Carpenter Cooper...Summers Cassidy Darkholme Xavier Lehnsherr Logan McTaggert McCoy Quested Grey Worthington...I can come up with more if you don't like any of those much."
"Okay. Martin Solomon Carroll." She smiles at him. "I'm Carlotta St. Severin. It's lovely to meet you."
He smiles back. He is not very good at smiling. It makes him look rather like a malevolent lawn gnome.
Poor socially maladjusted smol. "I can't finalize the legalities until I--we--get back, but you can still stay with me tonight, if you'd rather."
Nod. "Do you have any things you want to bring, and if so do you want me to come with you to retrieve them? I'm a mutant telepath, I can probably knock out anyone who tries to make things unsafe."
"I don't have any things. But I should tell my crew where I'm going so they don't think I died."