There is a strange woman sitting at one of the tables at the soup kitchen, writing at a desk. Both the non-volunteer adult and the expensive electronic device are very out of place.
She tells him about lakes and beaver dams and hunting and conservation way back in the early twentieth century.
Oh good! Does he want the life story of a famous and important conservationist who was also a philandering jerk.
His name was Grey Owl but his real name was Archie Belaney and he was Scottish but he got adopted by some First Nations group and he went around telling people he was half First Nations and he used to be a trapper but then he figured out that beavers were being hunted too much and he married several different women generally without bothering to divorce the old ones first.
He had one kid, with Wife The Penultimate who helped him with a lot of his conservation stuff. And it's really nice that he's interested in hearing this story because telling stories helps you not forget them and it's not like she can go back to that national park any time soon.