Lucien's class schedule was optimized, organized, color coded, and annotated. He'd gone over it and tweaked it and polished it for days, until his mother had asked him if he'd like have it notarized as well. It had taken him an hour of searching for the nearest notary public to realize she was joking.
And so, eventually, he put down his schedule and tried to relax and enjoy being out of VR as he waited for his first semester at the Selene School to start.
(And when his parents dropped him off, his mom surprised him with a notarized copy of his schedule. Just in case.)
"Enough that I can manage to answer at least simple questions about what happened within the last year within a room."
"Huh, that sounds almost more like postcognition than divination... like, it is divination but I'd expect to come at it from a different angle if it were me."
"Postcog tends to struggle with quickly getting answers to things like 'did people given this medicine stay in the ER longer than people who weren't in the last year' - most postcogs end up needing to manually count all the patients by reviewing the last year's events."
"That seems like the kind of problem you could also come at from the psionic technology angle, though of course only if the data were good - but if you did both, you could probably divinatorily input the data into the computer, and then non-psions could manipulate the data if they thought of stuff to do with it later too -"
"Thank you! Though of course it requires, as ever, more magic powers, so put it in your calendar for 2034."
"Sure!" Lucien says, grinning slyly, as he takes out his carrying-copy of his long-term schedule book and adds it in.
She giggles. "Adjust to suit, of course, I don't know when in your fifty-year plan psionic tech appears."
"I actually have a bunch of different plans for when to acquire it, and plausibly none of them will turn out to be useful - the field is changing so quickly that planning that bit now isn't really viable."
"Yeah, that makes perfect sense, if you aren't laser-focused on how cool it is that you can do psionics to computers and you don't want to power a virtuality waiting a few years for the field to develop is the way to go."
"Seems pretty likely it'll be amazing - I have a schedule-branch planned out for if it seems psionic tech is worth it a few years from now."
"How can you plan for that when we don't know what about it will be so cool if it's cool?"
"Mostly the plan is to have enough money saved up if I can manage that so I can afford to make a career change suddenly."
"Sensible. Though of course how much money that is depends where you're living, are you frontloading anything that lets you work remotely?"
"If you'd like to see my psionic skill schedule sometime I could show you?"
Wait did that sound dirty aaaaah
Lucien has it in his room but inviting her to his room would be weird right? But offering to bring it out or something also seems weird and he is not sure where to bring it too and Isabella is still really pretty and wait is he just not saying anything awkwardly aaaah.
"Do you wanna come over after dinnertime and do the econ reading and show me?"
Bit early to say 'you mean yes ma'am' but she's tempted. She pushes her dishes at him instead; she's done eating.