space Arda and Peka's world
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They, uh, look at them. There seem to be two of them.


There's an explosion at the red prison in Tapa, killing a dozen people, cause unclear.


How's the green's rash?


Getting worse.


They do some research and find out about the one who got it cut out and replicate the procedure.


Works fine here, too.


An anonymous concerned citizen writes in to the Tapai government to tell them not to go near the Elves' ships, they're not being careful about transporting reds, and the reds they've imported are just allowed to go wherever. There's accompanying photographic evidence. In the form of a glossy magazine cover with Macalaurë kissing Peka on it.


...The Tapai government confronts the Elves with this.


" - yep, the Valar figured out a way to make even reds clean because they didn't want anybody unclean in Valinor. It takes a few weeks and quite a lot of magic, but it works. Here no one would want reds around even if they were clean, I don't think - you'd have a hard time feeling sure - but at home once the Valar assured us it was done everyone was quite happy."


"Er," says the senator he's talking to, "how do you know it works?"


"The Valar say so and they are gods. And no one's gotten sick."


"You didn't mention this before. You said when you took the food for testing you'd follow all our purity laws. I appreciate that you've been taking steps, but the laws don't actually mention Valar."


"We did follow all your laws with the food. We have dedicated ships for transporting the reds, which haven't landed here. Valinor has been following the guidance of the Valar - you let diplomats in even if they're from countries with different purity laws, yes? -"


"They're never that different - look, is anyone else kissing the reds, incidental contact you just need to wash but this is too much -"


"No one else is kissing the reds."


"All right. I hope, er, Price Canafinwë will not object to remaining at home going forward."


That settles that.


Until someone shakes hands with an Elf and gets a rash. 



The blue in question collects all the objects she has touched with that hand in the last ten minutes and goes to the Elf and asks if there might be something on his hand.


...the Elf doesn't think so but will of course wash it thoroughly.


She updates him on the situation when her doctor tells her they've seen the rash before, it seems to sometimes happen to people who touch reds, nothing has worked except cutting it out and she might lose a lot of feeling in that hand and any information on the rash would be appreciated soonest.


The Elf assures her he hasn't touched any reds and isn't even on the projects that involve interacting with them but would be happy to come in to the doctor's so they can see if they learn anything. 


The doctor would like a very careful biopsy.


By all means. 


The doctor can't find anything. The blue goes ahead with the surgery before the rash gets any farther and has a bandage around her hand after that; she gives Elves a wide berth.

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