space Arda and Peka's world
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"No. I can have someone throw a lot of audio manipulation at it just in case but they don't have the fidelity our hearing has, to Cáno's eternal frustration, and the Valar mess with sound recording anyway -"


"The - air pressure effect?"


"Yeah. They all do it, it's obnoxious."




"- Yavanna says that's very concerning and we should absolutely send a ship home at once so they can come over and arrest him and you should probably vanish in political shenanigans she doesn't have a good way to protect you and if she confronts Melkor here there won't be any survivors - we need to figure out a way to get him off-planet, fuck -"


"...If I assume he has not done very detailed personal research I can find a reason to be on the larger moon."




"I doubt he has done very detailed personal research. Sure. Let's go with that - will things be okay here if -"


"I do not structure things so that they will disintegrate if I suddenly visit a grandchild, even a grandchild with whom I do not get along."


"I meant more if you don't make it back."


"I'm thirty-nine years old, Prince Morifinwë, I do not structure things to collapse in the event of my death either."


"Things seem maybe unusually collapsible at the moment. Okay. Visit someone on your moon, leave the report with a secretary, hopefully he doesn't bother you until the Valar get here but if he does there can be a stupidly dangerous fight somewhere less populated - we're working on resurrecting your species, we don't have good prospects yet but maybe eventually -"


"Wouldn't that be interesting. I will fabricate an excuse to travel and finish the report."


"Thank you. Let me know if you need anything."


"I'll bring the bug along, shall I."


"I'll unmute it."


She nods and goes up to get it.


He goes back to Tapa.


The reds who were touring Endorë to see if they liked it get back the next day; it's not exactly the best possible time for it. He heads back over to the abandoned mining town with them when they land.


They tell their fellows that Endorë is weird but, like, in a nice way, and there's plenty of room to spread out and food and nobody seemed to resent them being there. This convinces everybody.


Oh good. The next ship out leaves in two weeks, they'll be fed in the meantime, he's going to extend the invitation to the displaced reds who joined the country's other cities also.


What about the not-yet-displaced reds who are currently, like, showing purples and oranges how to do their various jobs under threat of worse-than-displacement fates should they fail to cooperate with their displacement.


Does the government mind if he grabs them too.


Of course not! They will be happy to present them all rounded up neatly for the Elves' convenience whenever they're done with them!


He appreciates it so much!


The job training step will take a little longer. They really appreciate the Elves making sure the residue of the process does not cause local problems.

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