space Arda and Peka's world
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"I think you're underestimating the inconvenience to the neighbors," says Savo. "Speaking as someone who accidentally started a pseudofamine and a war by underestimating people's purity taboos - and if you set yourselves up as, as black-haired untouchables, it'll undermine the rest of your project -"


Sigh. "Right now I'm interested in whether it would work for them; there indeed might be other reasons not to do it. What skills are you missing, Davar?"


"- the only things we pick up professionally are stuff handling the dead and plumbing and garbage, and we have enough doctors and hairdressers and such among ourselves because nobody else is going to touch us but we don't have farmers or manufacturing or accountants..."


"Are most of you literate?"


"Uh, in the city, yes, I'm not sure about rural ones."


"Would joining an Elf or orc kingdom work better than being set up to have one of your own?"


"I don't, uh, know anything about you."


"Yes, fair. What would people want to know to consider emigrating -"


Davar looks at him.

He holds out his hand.

"Don't -" exclaims Savo.


He shakes his hand.


Savo has a quiet meltdown over there just outside the janitor closet.

"I think we could figure out the details," says Davar.


"Good to know. While we're getting that sorted, what government policies would make the biggest difference to peoples' lives -"


"Here, you mean? The - food thing would've helped but didn't really - work - at all -"


"We heard, yeah."


"I don't know what would work, Allocator Savo convinced me that would and he was wrong."


"We could maybe have the Valar claim they can make people not unclean but we would be lying - or maybe not, since it's not really a thing in the first place - we might not interfere with the food thing beyond interfering with the war -"


"At least four times now somebody has run into a red caste in a place they wouldn't have expected one, loading food onto a truck or something, and just murdered them."



"What the fuck is wrong with this stupid fucking place. Okay. Uh - is that illegal, do they get in trouble for it -"


"It's sort of illegal but hard to convict - it's like trying to convict somebody for running over a person who stepped into the road in front of them while they were going eighty miles an hour, it's just impossible to let a red caste go on picking up boxes of food, you know -"


" - are there people who are not presently necessary in their positions here who would like to come live in - Valinor might not be ideal - Brithombar or somewhere - send money home, make it clear to everyone else that if they mistreat their reds more will leave -"


"I'm sure some people would try that," says Davar.


"Okay. What's the best way for them to contact us -"


"...I don't know?"


" - I could get a couple thousand small personal communication devices but if people will steal them or get angry with you for having them that won't do it, we could just make it known that if you come to the ship then you get to be part of a pilot program for red caste people living among Elves -"


"Nobody'll steal them after we've handled them. Might get mad. We can't move freely, we can go to work and around in our districts and that's all."

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