space Arda and Peka's world
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"We don't kill people for actual deliberate wrongdoing, let alone mistakes - that creates such bad incentives, it means there's no reason to ever try anything risky or controversial - it means brilliant kids who know enough about radio and have enough nerve to get in touch with the aliens and tell us to come hear your side of the story get dead instead of anybody using that talent for anything -"


"Do you, uh, do you want the interview he gave before he died -"


"Yes, I do. And I want to know why no one thought - 'wait a second, this is insane -'"


"- thought executing the kid was -?" He downloads the interview. "Where do you want this sent or should I get a paper copy -"


"We have this absurdly hacked-together thing for computing compatibility -" he pulls it out. It looks very weird.


Some technical difficulties later he has the interview.

The kid recited as much as he could remember about the conversation - "I don't think the alien believed that I'd get in trouble" -


"He didn't."


"He didn't what?" says Savo.


"Didn't believe that any society functional enough to have motor vehicles would murder children over experimenting with radio, all smart kids go through a stage doing that kind of thing."


"They don't usually have to commit treason to do it."


"I can't think of any circumstances under which we'd execute a child, and we can bring ours back."


"...If you're going to more or less bodyguard me for some reason I should call my husband so he can worry a little less."


"By all means. What's a 'husband', my translation's got it wrong somehow."


"- you seem really fluent, that's surprising, um, my - pairbonded romantic partner?"



"Yes, good idea, do that."


So Allocator Savo calls his pairbonded romantic partner.

"Hi darling -"

"I just about squeeze the kid to death in terror whenever you call these days, I hope you know that, please tell me you're not going to be strung up -"

"- I'm not, the, um, the aliens apparently really object to the death penalty and will try to do something, I thought you'd want to know -"

"Can they do anything?"

"This one... seems to think so?"


This one is making a face and trying to hide it. But he nods.


"- yeah, seems to think so."

"It's all been quiet here. Little one's not doing that thing where she can't stop washing her hands any more."

"Oh good."

"I really thought she'd adapt better -"

"I thought everyone would. I'm so sorry, darling."

"Be safe."

"I'll try."


Maitimo the man I'm talking to is married to another man and they have a child what the fuck is wrong with this place.



Long list of things, sounds like - is the child okay -


I don't know, how would I know -


It's probably not a priority.


Yeah. Sigh.


"Put her on?"

"Sure - hey little one wanna talk to Uncle Savo -"

"Hi Uncle Savo."

"I hear you're not washing your hands all the time any more?"

"It made them dry. Why does washing hands make them dry."

"When hands aren't dry it's actually oil, not water."


"You be good, okay?"

"Yeah love you."

"Love you too."

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