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Élie is pretty confused about why he's being hugged!! His best guess is that Iomedae thinks her own immunity to mind-affecting magic works by proximtiy but that does not make very much sense at all. He would also like to know why he is being dragged places. All he was doing was sitting next to the command tent not taking any actions. 

"I'm not teleporting anywhere! All I did was sit next to the command tend and not take any actions."  


"...He doesn't look injured. From the Forbiddance. Élie I need you to take your headband off so I can see what's wrong with you."


He would strongly prefer that she does not!!


"Élie, I know you don't want to, I know it'll be awful, but whatever just happened I don't know if we can fix it without knowing what it was - Can someone get him a fox's cunning and an owl's wisdom before we take it off, so it's not quite so bad - "


Of course they can!


- well, they can try.


Well that's not good. "This could be very bad, Iomedae take it off now."


Élie privately suspects that this might be related to thing where trying to cast spells feels like dragging himself through mud, but his every instinct militates against telling the people who keep hugging him and dragging him into forbiddances and trying to take away his mind blank that he can barely make himself do magic. 

...and when he allows that thought to surface, it's moronic. He trusts Alfirin. If he didn't trust Alfirin, he wouldn't have come here. Élie-who-could-think-straight thought coming here was the right plan in case of disaster; Élie-who-could-think-straight will just have to live with the consequences.

"Whatever it is, it's interfering with my spells too."


"Élie please, I need to see it"


Iomedae doesn't actually need Elie's consent to get the headband off when Alfirin tells her to.


Élie loves his headband very much, but if he had to pick the element he's most proud of  – beyond even getting Mind Blank to stick to a magic item – it's the way it handles eidetic memory. Giving himself perfect recall was the easy part. The trick is setting it up so that the memories remain in place – so that his mind continues to function, instead of collapsing into a tangle of broken threads – when he takes the headband off. In fact, that's something he does fairly regularly. Items can be taken away. He doesn't care to become dependant on any cognitive enhancements that aren't indelibly part of himself. 

All this is to say that under ordinary circumstances, he can handle being slower and stupider and more foolish. Of course, under ordinary circumstances, he's a lot less cursed. Right now, he knows that he's scared and his spells aren't coming to him and these people are his allies and he isn't Mind Blanked because they don't want him to be Mind Blanked and he would really very much like to not be here and his dimension steps aren't a spell but they're not working either and it looks like his best option is being very small and not having any thoughts. He'll just do that, then.


- Alfirin'll be able to interpret this tangle of spells better than she can. It's definitely some curses.


"All curses - it looks like foolishness, incompetence, inaction... and this one's new. Kind of like an underpowered antimagic field...curse... it's not interfering with the others but it will get in the way of a cure. If it were almost anyone else I'd request permission to study it longer -" she's already got a spellbook out and has started preparing cursebreaking spells - "Prayer beads?"

"Élie, I need you to not try to cast any spells or go anywhere until I can take these curses off you, you're probably pretty confused because they cursed your wisdom and the headband's gone so you just need to not do anything until that's fixed, okay?"


Casting spells and going places sound like they would require thinking, and you know what he's doing, not that. 


She gestures impatiently and someone finds Alfirin the prayer beads. "Should we get him in an actual antimagic field while he waits?"


That's bad!!!! – and that was a thought, he used to be better at not having those on command. 


"It doesn't seem to be progressing and I'm worried about startling him, and we'd need to take him out again to remove the curses." With Élie's wisdom cursed to the level of an inebriated dog, Iomedae's the only one who can hear the stress in Alfirin's voice. "If Tar-Baphon is going to show himself he's got a good opening now."


"Karlenius, look like me, go fly around in Ravengro, call if there's trouble."

      "Yes, sir."

"If Tar-Baphon picks this moment, you can try a Disjunction, yes?" It's not an ideal solution as Elie will lose all his permanent spells and, this impaired, also most of his items temporarily, and Alfirin might ruin some of them permanently. But it's a better last resort than not having one.


"Yes." It will also tear up the Forbiddance and leave Iomedae somewhat weakened for the ensuing fight, but it's an option. "It'll get you too." she says, just so Iomedae is tracking that she might have to fight Tar-Baphon unbuffed if that happens.


"Acknowledged." It's definitely nonideal but she's done it before, many times, any time Tar-Baphon opens with a Disjunction himself.


It takes her a couple minutes to finish preparing the spells - she wants a few of them, to be sure she clears everything. Nothing interrupts them. Remove curse, remove curse, break enchantment -

"I don't see anything left, give him back the headband? Élie, do you feel right?"


He's going to double-check her work before answering. 

"I wouldn't have given the headband back if I wasn't absolutely sure I knew the answer to that question."


"Each additional minute it's off is more opportunity for Tar-Baphon to track you and drop in on us. I'm confident you're not enchanted though we'll want to check that more thoroughly later. If you're still otherwise cursed you'll notice better with your wisdom back."


Iomedae lets go of him as soon as Alfirin says he's clear, and steps back to be at Alfirin's side. 


"If I'm still cursed it's beyond my ability to detect. I should try an anti-magic field just to be safe – any objections if I do that now, or should we debrief first?"


"No, go right ahead."

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