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Speak softly, carry Ruyi Jingu Bang
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Delivering messages sounds fine, actually, but unlike supplies she doesn't just deliver them to an obvious warehouse. As long as it's people who it's not a security risk to know she exists?


Ah, right, that does make it a bit more complicated. How about transporting couriers with messages and having them do the last mile handoff?


It ends up being a little more complicated than the supply runs, what with her needing to Instant Transmission someone else and then wait for them to finish, but not actually especially difficult. All of the mail can reach its intended city of receipt, even the bits not normally high priority enough to merit a Teleport.


And then it will transpire that enough time has passed that they'd like her to try her hand at empowering some magic for them.

"There's actually a lot of potential use cases for it, especially if you can do arbitrary metamagic rather than just strength ala empowering and maximizing," says the unfamiliar wizard standing next to Charles Rochefor, once they're safely ensconced withing a mage's private sanctum and forbiddance located within Lastwall's most secure demiplane, "but what we're really hoping for is you being able to help with Wish."


"I'm not sure how much I can do about that. Wishes... Wishes are hard. The only way I know to reliably do that is-"


"I will not be made a slave!"


"I wasn't going to suggest it! Slavery is an abomination, though that objection is a bit rich, coming from you of all people!"


"I... feel like I'm missing some key context here, sorry."


"The filthy slugs enslave-"


"We haven't forgotten everything from back then, thank you very much, which includes enough to know that's bullshit. But just because they consented to it doesn't mean I'd do it to you against your will!"

She then turns to the wizards still in the room with them.

"Back in universe 7, there are a set of artifacts known as the Dragon Balls. When you gather all 7, you can summon the corresponding Dragon to grant a wish - or three, if it's Porunga. One of the sets, the ones corresponding to the dragon Shenron, were destroyed in the Death of Earth a few centuries back, but as far as I'm aware the other set on New Namek is still around today. Dazarel was reacting to the idea that I might work with you to try and bind him to a corresponding set, which I won't. I'm ambitious, sure, but there are roads I'm not willing to take for the sake of power, and that's one of them."


What. Items of Wish, reusable. Suddenly he very much wants to meet whichever wizards from her home universe managed to make that one work, although from the sound of it there's decent odds they died centuries or millennia ago. If they didn't have any alternative... plausibly he would be willing to go down that path she isn't, although not in this specific case without her agreement. Enslaving people really is awful, but it's not like sometimes you don't have to kill really awful people who will end up in Hell afterwards if its to save enough people, and it's hard to say that this is really worse than that if there's some Dragons that consented to it. He's glad he doesn't live in that world, though, and that instead that's not the kind of compromise he has to choose to make one way or another.

"We're not talking about anything of the sort here. There's a spell that wizards can cast - a pair of them, actually, at 7th circle and 9th circle respectively, that are known as Limited Wish and Wish. Even for spells of their circle, they're extremely complicated to stabilize, and they're also some of the hardest spells to cast right period, because they do exactly what you say and if you don't know what you're trying to specify - or can't hold the concept clear enough in your head while you speak the wording - the results can be catastrophic. They're also incredibly costly, but for that they're some of the most powerful spells in existence and extremely valuable.

"Our hope is that with your enhancement, we can use Lesser Wish in place of Wish in at least some senses. Ideally, this would include the full effect of Wish with a Limited Wish diamond and spell slot, but even making a 7th circle wizard able to cast Wish with the appropriate diamond or partly scaling up the effects of Limited Wish - like imitating 6th circle divine spells - would be an enormous boon."


Normal sorcerers wizards who can make wishes. For a moment, Kakara is lost in thoughts of what the exiles could do if their sorcerers could pull that off, but she's pretty sure it's far enough off their sealing paradigm that they'd have to rebuild the entire thing. One part of the explanation does stand out to her, though.

"Apologies, but I think I'm misunderstanding something. You keep talking about diamonds; are you referring to carbon crystals? Extremely hard as far as minerals go, ordinarily clear but get colors from contaminants, extremely thermally conductive, rigid, rather pretty? What do those have to do with wishes? Do they soak up magic if they're on a leyline or something?"


"No, as far as we're aware any diamond of the proper size will do as a focus, but they're consumed in the doing. A lot of spells have diamonds as components, including almost all the ways to restore the dead, which means they're in very high demand and very short supply, and is in turn why being able to make use of a smaller one would be so valuable; the diamonds required by Wish are the largest of any spell, on par with that taken for a Miracle and just larger than those needed for True Resurrection."


"And... how big are the gemstones in question?"


He holds his fingers apart. It's not a very long distance.


"Is there something non obvious I'm missing about this situation? Because those are tiny and Diamonds aren't especially rare, even if your technology doesn't seem good enough that I would expect it to even be as good at mining diamonds as back home. If Golarion is similar geologically to Garenhuld, I could probably find you a couple dozen of those without much effort and tens of thousands if I put in the work. Although if it's very different it might end up being more efficient for me to drop by another planet - I think they might be pretty common on asteroids? - or put in the research to figure out the primitive methods for growing them in a lab."


"I get the feeling you might underestimate how many diamonds have been mined on Golarion. We don't mine for them by hand, the go to strategy back when there was more to be found was to bind a dozen huge earth elementals to go through the plot in question at 4 feet a second and pull out all the gemstones within, then sort them. Most diamond mining takes place on the elemental plane of Earth for that reason, though of course you do sometimes find diamonds in places with low enough concentration people didn't bother to strip mine it or they assumed someone else already had."

Then he blinks, and processes the rest of her statement.

"You can travel to other worlds just like that? That could be a real gamechanger, although I would caution you not to waste too much of your time trying to make them artificially. A great many wizards and alchemists have put in collectively millions of hours into the topic and to my knowledge nobody has ever gotten anywhere."


"As long as you wrap yourself in a bubble of Ki to keep in air, it's just like flying in atmosphere - how far you can fly is just a question of how much acceleration you can put out, and that's before taking instant transmission into account. I could go for longer with air tanks, but if it's just for dropping by the asteroid belt to pick up a couple promising rocks that shouldn't be necessary." She grins, then. "And I can dig a lot faster than 4 feet a second."

"As for the diamond synthesis... I'm not sure how it works myself, so maybe it requires more power output than I can feasibly bash together unless I power it myself, or something. But it's definitely possible to do, that's how we get most of our gems back home, especially ones that are harder to get your hands on than diamonds. It would just be a question of using pastsight to figure out how they did it, and then finding some workaround for the fact that I'm not really an engineer."


"Yesterday, before you arrived here, is someone had said that I would have said that if they could manage that, it would be the most important thing in the world. Today... it would still be incredibly important. Lastwall does not have any 9th circle wizards, nor does Lawful Good in general, and that's not something we expect to change in the near future unless something really surprising happens to one of our 8th circles or somehow your powers are enough to rescue Arazni - to be clear you should not try and do that. But there is Felandriel Morgethai and even if she's also chaotic she takes the Good part of that incredibly seriously. We can get wishes, if you can supply the diamonds."

It's just one surprise after another, with Karen, but they're good surprises of a kind he had never expected in anything short of his wildest dreams where Aroden turned out to have faked his death as part of a plot to unseat Asmodeus. Arguably he shouldn't have even mentioned Arazni but he's in the kind of excited mood where it's hard to take that kind of concern seriously. He still has some self control, though, and exercises it shortly after.

"I think it is probably still worth trying, to enhance a Limited Wish, but I would understand if you didn't want to. There is some risk to it, and if normal wishes we know work are on the line, a lot of the potential benefit we expected it to offer is obviated."


On the one hand, she does appreciate the warning and is very confident in her ability to work something out when it comes to diamonds. On the other hand... while she was appraised on the dangers of this work prior to starting it, it's not like it's going to do anything more to her than singe her clothes, and she's pretty confident she can keep him safe from all but the absolute worst catastrophes that they're essentially certain this methodology doesn't risk. Even a half second's notice from foresight is a lot, at a speed where high-velocity bullets hang in the air motionless.

She'll go ahead with it.


The structure of the spell, unfurled as slowly as he can without risking breaking it, is hard to describe. It's fractionally complex, each layer of the structure building upon the next and supporting the filigree-thin strings of magic that weave their way through it. At the center of it, she can see the exact slot where the diamond fits in, and suddenly its inclusion makes far more sense. While examining it at her maximum magnification, she gets a sense that a skilled enough magic user could simply do without, but any effort on her part to figure out the details on that run straight into the fact that the sole total of her own magical training consists of a handful of short sessions - from an archmage, yes, but one of an entirely different tradition and magical paradigm. It might not be totally impossible to accomplish something like this with sealing magic, but it would be an effort of contortion, creativity, and sheer brilliance to render Dandeer's achievements in the realm of mind control a child's jest.


It's beautiful.

Can she add more power, without totally shattering it?


The spell structure is complete, in a way that no other spell she's ever seen can claim, with no obvious method for expansion. She could maybe... thicken the scaffold? But it's not clear what good that would do, when it doesn't rely on those to complete its function - it might make it harder to counterspell, perhaps, or allow it to expand faster without breaking, but not affect the final result.


If you look at the way the patterns repeat, it's almost like you could imagine another, yet more complicated shell forming over it, creating a difference as much qualitative as quantitative. But it's not clear how you would actually make that from ki, even if you knew what it would have to look like somehow. Maybe if she instead helped him while he hung the scaffold in the first place, with enough trial and error, it might be possible to figure out?

...It might also require her to spend months actually learning some magical theory and study some more topology first.


She knew, going in, she probably wouldn't be able to manage it. Her ability to power up their spells only worked along the lines the spells are designed to be powered along, and the difference between Wish and Limited Wish is more than that. But even accounting for that, she's surprisingly dissapointed that she couldn't find a way to improve upon the fourth third most impressive spell she's ever seen on her first try. She breathes in, deeply, and then back out, centering herself, and then strengthens the scaffold just in case that does end up doing something valuable.


The Limited Wish triggers, consuming the diamond, and manifests the specified spell. There... might be more magical energy in it than there would have been otherwise, as a result of her strengthening the scaffold? It is really not clear.

Seeing the limited wish in action looks almost like casting another spell, but instead of controlling and bending the flow of energy from the caster, it instead manifests the effect directly, conjuring the complex structure from thin air. Before it finishes, however, the spell comes to a halt, and the structure starts to fall apart, half complete. There's a moment where it almost feels as though she could have finished it herself, if she knew what to do, but then the moment ends and it falls apart beyond repair.

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