It appears in the sky with a burst of energy as it drops out of warp. A ship, right overhead and large enough to be visible to the naked eye for much of the population of Amenta.
"If you'd prefer a place to wash-up and change there's a bathroom over there and we can have someone bring clothes there right away."
"I'm curious to try a cleaner wand, actually, though I might still want the shower depending on how thorough it is!" says Pahatun.
Niola gets a cleaner wand and waves it over the spill - it makes a soft humming noise and shines a light, the mess disappearing in the process. Pahatun might still feel the slightest layer of mess still left under his clothes if he's very sensitive.
"Well, that'll probably save the outfit, but I'd just as soon still have a rinse and a change if it's no trouble, thank you."
He rinses off quick enough and pops out to put on a supplied rectangle in a fetching manner and rejoins the dinner table.
"I'm the Head of Security, and also the Chief Tactical Officer. Also I'm First Officer but that doesn't come up much."
"Head of Security and Chief Tactical Off-icer are combined a lot of the time, since they cover similar things. First officer usually has some other job they do most of the time - since it just means you're the person who's in charge after the captain."
"I assume you'd have to have a security protocol either way, but does it come up much in your adventures?"
"Came up a lot for a while, hasn't come up so recent-ly. Though I was on your shuttle here just in case, didn't 'spect it to matter."
"Oh, that would have been embarrassing if we'd managed to cause an incident right off the bat, though I'm admittedly not sure where they got the Voan."
"Ah. I assume they did."
Neh should. Probably say things without specific prompting or something.
"Amenta has been a lot calmer than I'm used to."