Let's see how many surprisingly deep pieces of children's media we can put Bruce Banner in
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"And even numbers can be made of two of the same, smaller numberblock! Like I can be a One and a One, but Three has to be a One and a Two."


"Right! And four can be made of two twos, so four is even, but five is odd. Can you tell me whether six is even or odd and whether seven is even or odd?"


"Six is even and Seven is odd! Four is made of the Terrible Twos."


"That's right! Are the Twos in Four not the same as the Two you are? What's terrible about them?"


"When a Four breaks apart into Twos, the Twos are very mischievous! They like pulling pranks on people and hitting them and being very mean." 


"Huh. And if you and one of those Twos then combined into a new Four, and split up again, would both of the resulting Twos be terrible or would one of them be you again? What if one of the Terrible twos split into two Ones and then both those Ones combined with different ones to make two new Twos, what then?"

He's aware that he can hardly take this small child's words about which other children are badly behaved as unquestioned truth, but the answer should at least have some relevance to how Numberblocks handle identity questions even if actually all Twos are equally chill.


"They would both be Terrible Twos! None of the Twos were terrible before there was a Four. I don't know about the other thing. Maybe we can find out!"


"Okay." That sounds kind of awful, actually, in much the same way dying does, but it's clearly okay with them, and if he says it sounds awful they might start thinking of it as awful and that would suck.


And here two Threes are turning a jump rope for a Seven! The Seven has one block that's each of the colors of the rainbow. 


Awww, rainbow seven. Oh no, does this mean his brain buys into the Renaissance mystics' indigo bullshit? Whatever, it's cute. And they're apparently still a kid but also, yup, taller than he is. He waves hello but doesn't say anything to interrupt the jump rope rhythm.


The jump rope ends anyway and the two Threes merge into a Six. "Hello! Are you Twenty-Three?"


No I'm 24, my birthday was wrong stat. "I don't know what number I am! I might not even be a number at all. I can't split and merge like you do."


"It's easy! Here, you hold still and I'll pull--"


Probably he should be hoping for nothing to happen but he's actually kind of hoping something will happen--

oh fuck that feels incredibly weird--


There are two people here! They're a little shorter than Bruce but far more than half his height, and they have arms and legs and eyes and all the parts a human has, and they're a lot more like human body parts than they are like numberblock body parts.

Two simultaneous voices that are more like Bruce's voice than like anything else ask, "Where am I?"

". . . Who am I?"

Then the symmetry breaks when they both look left before they look right and one sees the other and goes "Wow, we're identical!"


"See! You can split after all."



"We used to be the same person?"

"I don't remember that."

"I don't remember anything."

"Me neither."

"We gotta learn some stuff."


"You used to be a Bruce! And now you're two smaller... uh, you should know what your name is."

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