He sleeps very soundly.
In the morning, he wakes up and she's right there in his arms and he just holds her for a minute, delighted by her warmth and solidity. All of this belongs to him. Her gorgeous long curly hair, her warm soft skin, the flutter of her pulse, the steady rhythm of her breath. His, his, his. And he is never letting go.
He gets up, eventually. He considers where he would like to put his Niamira's new room. There are a few rooms in his suite that he doesn't use often. He picks one with a nice view that he hasn't touched in ten years because it's mostly old furniture.
Portalmaking is one of the most advanced skills of glamourcraft. If you get anything even slightly wrong in your vision of the place at the other end of your portal, everything you send through it will be destroyed without a trace when the portal closes.
Of course, if all you want is to get rid of a roomful of expensive furniture from several centuries ago, then you can just turn the entire floor into a portal to an empty space swirling with coloured lights, send a gust of wind around to knock the curtains from the windows and the tapestries from the walls, wait for everything to fall through, and then close the portal and be rid of it.
He does that. He regards the newly empty room.
Illusory decor takes shape, and shifts and changes until he's satisfied with the result. A complex spiral of lights strung across the ceiling like dewdrops on an abstract spiderweb; pretty fabrics hanging on the walls; a double set of curtains on the windows, light and dark; a magnificent bed; an even more magnificent desk. She said she wanted calligraphy supplies. He doesn't know enough about calligraphy to create them for her, so he sends for some.
Then he goes off to get some work done, leaving a conjured breakfast next to his bed for whenever she wakes up.