Zmavliterdi is a planet orbiting a red dwarf and yellow dwarf binary star system, with a rotational period of two dozen hours, and an orbital period of three gross days.
It's very pretty! And has familiar looking geography, atmosphere, biosphere, and everything.
And a lot of land, which isn't being occupied densely. They have cities, but it also seems like a lot of them live in small land holdings?
There are radio transmissions coming from it. It seems like they have industrial level technology? Oddly, despite the fact that their structures imply that they have industrial or pre-industrial technology, everything is very clean – there is very little air pollution to speak of, and likewise minimal water and soil pollution.
The radio transmissions indicate that they have telegraphy and telex for data – though usually only in the rural areas or at sea. Near inhabited areas, radio transmissions usually consist of voice and music broadcast from large stations.