Karen's parents like Timothy. Karen's little brother also likes Timothy, who is "So! Tall! Sooooo tall!"
Miranda and Minor do not get almost carried away again.
Rebecca gets pregnant again. Jeremy or Lydia is due in June.
"Not everybody, the ones who haven't found someone yet are just less conspicuous. Plenty of people get married when they're twenty-five."
"I wouldn't've let you do that, there's actually not a good one unless the paper's pre-enchanted and this isn't. You don't have to though, I can do it if you'd rather - anyway make wands probably, live with my parents till I get married and help with my little brother. It'd be fun to have a spinster place in London with Miranda for a couple years in between but she's probably going to marry Minor the day after graduation - maybe plus long enough for wedding planning -"
"Yeah - I could do it on my own, Timothy's not in a hurry, but that's not as interesting and the wands don't bring in so much money that I want to fling it around for no reason."
Timothy gets a password-protected letter which if tapped with his wand and told "palladium" will reveal a note.
I have no idea if I have just been flirted with but supposing I had been what do I need to do to be circumspect about the boyfriend I have???
Awwww. He doesn't mind, and you can leave it at that until you're really sure of them?
Are you worried that not being clearer would sabotage a potential relationship? I'm assuming if people are flirting with attached classmates they probably wouldn't regard it as a dealbreaker if you were in fact attached.