Karen's parents like Timothy. Karen's little brother also likes Timothy, who is "So! Tall! Sooooo tall!"
Miranda and Minor do not get almost carried away again.
Rebecca gets pregnant again. Jeremy or Lydia is due in June.
Oh good! He glances over at Minor kissing Miranda and suggests they go for a walk.
It's chilly out! "- sorry, I didn't actually have anything to say, I just didn't want to conspicuously not kiss. How've you been?"
"I've been all right. Studying a lot. I helped Miranda with Minor's dictionary some. You?"
"In Sweden, and I'll probably go back after break. Perhaps this is unrelated and I'm wasting my time, but -"
"Now that I'm passingly mediocre at the language, lots of clerical and administrative work that got handed to people unqualified for it when half their family died - not that I'm qualified, but I'll do it, and then I can listen to things, try to get a feel for who might have been a target and why."
"Sometimes! You notice things. I wouldn't say it's how I want to spend my life but it's not just a way of buying favors, some of it's informative in its own right."
"What sort of things are regarded as worth keeping and copying, which people are meticulous and which are sloppy, which are usually meticulous and then unaccountably sloppy on one thing or another, what people write by hand and what they dictate and whether they say what they mean -"
"The grating bit is more how it's low status than the actual work, I think. At least for me."
"No? But it requires a kind of deftness that I'm not very accustomed to - I think I'd have made a very bad Muggleborn, I like being taken seriously by default -"
"I mean, it's sprung on them, right? They have some vague religious teachings, maybe, or nothing at all, or superstitions about fairies, and that's it. If we were known then it'd be less of a leap, at least."
"I think most people'd be delighted but maybe depends how well we achieve the rollout."
"I've talked about it with a few people but it's not being seriously discussed yet. Elio says he doesn't think it'll happen in his lifetime."