Karen's parents like Timothy. Karen's little brother also likes Timothy, who is "So! Tall! Sooooo tall!"
Miranda and Minor do not get almost carried away again.
Rebecca gets pregnant again. Jeremy or Lydia is due in June.
"Isolationism from Britain works as well as anything else, if you can be counted on to pull for it."
"I'm good for my word. I presently only have meaningful resources in Britain."
"They're not going to bother you, half their country is presently held together by shoestrings and the other half by twenty-somethings who were counting on another five decades before they needed assume meaningful responsibility. But I can also arrange for Sweden to take an isolationist bent."
"Well enough," says Elio. And his demeanor slips into Less Obvious Meat Puppet, back into the genial tone he usually prefers: "Safe travels, my friend!"
- and she means it, he's well aware he's betting his life on that again but -
He nods, walks outside.
He really appreciates that. He appears just outside the gates of the house, heads in, finds Michael pacing - "it's me I'm fine I'll put on Miranda's bracelet Elio's Imperiused and his puppetteer really want to rule Brazil for reasons not yet clear to me and dismantled all of the international agreements on policing of magic for that reason I want a Fidelius for the house -"
He puts it on and repeats the explanation. "I did not actually promise to help keep Britain isolationist with respect to the impending conquest of Brazil but she thinks I did and if I am obviously doing not-that things I think we should expect a lot of danger - we probably need to assassinate her but I didn't try on the spot, Felix didn't think it was wise -"
"I have no idea, it's not especially well-documented and not for situations like this in particular - I do think it helped, it felt like I was making the right inferences just in time -"
"Yep. The kids should be safe at school, I think. I told Michael I want a Fidelius here. I had one of the little soundboxes write a transcript to the attic, let me go get that for you -" and he does -"poor Elio -"
Timothy adds commentary. "There are some contingencies I put in place which I need to go disable. While I'm gone I guess we think how to assassinate someone - I don't know how she pulled the Sweden trick and I do not like not knowing -"
"Fidelius should make it difficult assuming there is anything resembling an aiming step, but..."
"Yeah. I guess we could also all go to France right now and try to kill her first."
"It would be very stupid of her to still be there. Elio would have a hard time vanishing, though, he's very embedded, and I think she likes to be near him."
"No, not in France in particular, just - surrounded in general by people whose locations are knowable."