Karen's parents like Timothy. Karen's little brother also likes Timothy, who is "So! Tall! Sooooo tall!"
Miranda and Minor do not get almost carried away again.
Rebecca gets pregnant again. Jeremy or Lydia is due in June.
Timothy thinks this is adorable and stops by her home midweek with flowers to suggest they go out flying so she can tell him all about it.
That is a good idea! "She came over to meet Benjamin and get OWL notes and my hair potion came up and she petted me and we were up in my room for a bit and she asked if she could kiss me -!"
"Awwwwww. That is a very nervy girl, plenty of people would have cursed her. I suppose you aren't really the type."
"Oh not at all if I hadn't wanted to kiss her I would probably have just pretended I didn't hear."
"Everybody's a little bit cousins, really, but that particular cousinhood is very fraught, I think if my father ever found out he'd be as angry about the partner as the conduct."
In late November of 1808, everything suddenly goes wrong for Napoleon all at once.
It is not overtly magical; it is merely obviously magical.
Which means no one is obliged to intervene.
Timothy at least doesn't have to pick up a new language.
Whoever magicked France did not do it with much of a care to the orderliness of France afterwards; it seems, if one reads carefully between the lines and sees the negative space implied by the people left alive, like it would be the sort of thing Portugal might have done in revenge for the invasion (which recently prompted the royal family to move to Brazil, where all but the Queen then died of tropical illnesses) if that were the sort of thing the Muggle Portugal could do.
That really shouldn't be the kind of thing Muggle Portugal could do.
And yet.
He writes Elio a very careful letter laying out his suspicions, his evidence, the negative space, the implications - All the recent nonintervention agreements enabled this. Maybe it's an unfortunate side effect; maybe it's what at least one of the involved factions desired all along.
That is not dissimilar from Elio's conclusion! Would Timothy like to meet Elio in Lisbon to discuss it?