Karen's parents like Timothy. Karen's little brother also likes Timothy, who is "So! Tall! Sooooo tall!"
Miranda and Minor do not get almost carried away again.
Rebecca gets pregnant again. Jeremy or Lydia is due in June.
Nearly a dozen European wizarding polities (importantly different in a few cases from Muggle political boundaries), including France, Portugal, and Russia, meet at a summit in Switzerland and all vote not to enforce violations of the Statute of Secrecy unless they are "gratuitous and perverse" (meaning "violating it just to violate it, not incidentally").
Britain is not quite there yet. They send a couple representatives not authorized to vote on things - "lest you get seduced by those mad Italians," Magdalene Malfoy mutters - who come back and propose to the Wizengamot a more limited resolution, affirming that Britain won't interfere in other sovereign countries' Statute enforcement unless violations pose a grievous risk to British secrecy.
TImothy is pretty sure he can get that approved inside the year.
"I guess this one didn't like being pet. You can ask them - hold out your hand really still and see if they move towards it - I'll show you -"