Karen's parents like Timothy. Karen's little brother also likes Timothy, who is "So! Tall! Sooooo tall!"
Miranda and Minor do not get almost carried away again.
Rebecca gets pregnant again. Jeremy or Lydia is due in June.
"Jeremy, you can try to pick up Catherine!"
Jeremy, being a newborn, does not do this. He looks at Catherine and shrugs dramatically.
A few days later he says to his wife, "I want to tell Catherine about how she was born and found, I worry if we wait too long it'll seem more like - a terrible secret instead of something that we've always been quite all right with -"
"She's a bright kid. Maybe not the whole story, but 'Mama had Catherine and then she met Papa and he loved them both and took them home,' yeah, I think she'd follow."
"When I first met you," he tells Catherine, "you were two months old! Bigger than Jeremy already. You were a very quiet baby."
"I was bigger than you! - maybe we can find a doll that is Jeremy-sized for practicing with, how about that?"
Catherine studies her mama's Jeremy-holding carefully and cradles the blanket just so mostly.