Karen's parents like Timothy. Karen's little brother also likes Timothy, who is "So! Tall! Sooooo tall!"
Miranda and Minor do not get almost carried away again.
Rebecca gets pregnant again. Jeremy or Lydia is due in June.
"You'd have to ask Twimble and people don't but I'm not sure that you couldn't in principle."
"Maybe if I don't notice a dramatic ambition in a couple years I will ask the Hat what it was thinking. Though, I mean, Slytherin does mostly suit. If I want something I am much more inclined to figure out who can get it for me than to study hard or charge ahead or - whatever a Hufflepuff would do -"
"Sometimes I think Miranda should've been a Ravenclaw. She's a culture fit."
"She says the hat considered Ravenclaw but as a core features thing and not a culture thing she's really a Slytherin. She's not a natural to the networky smoothtalking - thing - though."
"Okay, but there's Miranda and then there's, like, Timothy - you don't even know Timothy - when he was, I forget exactly, like five, he heard that most Ministers of Magic were Hufflepuffs, and started pretending to be Hufflepuffy."
"...I don't think he is going to conquer it. I think that would be bad. Right now he's mostly working on limiting the Statute of Secrecy."
"Yeah, like I said Timothy's not in a hurry, but Minor is so Miranda's not gonna be doing that."
Timothy has enough Swedish to try to get a feel for their politics. It seems like the conservative wing would have won out. It's not obvious who would have been upset enough to commit a mass homicide over it.
It's also not obvious who would have been that confident of the outcome.
Nor are other motives presenting themselves. He writes Elio periodically.