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eadmund is never satisfied. that's it that's the post

Eadmund has learned... some of the ways of Ninuan.* He is, after all, royalty of the Host. It would be embarrassing for him to get turned around every time he stepped through a Waylet. But he doesn't have enough Lore in his skull yet to navigate the deep roads, out beyond the snowy countryside into the eddies and whirlpools of nothingness. So it's rather inconvenient when, while he's navigating a rather treacherous path that could be said to have some acausal "aboveness" in relation to a particularly nasty patch of void, something slams into him and sends him tumbling into the black.

A mortal would be unmade. Well, a mortal couldn't have gotten that deep into Ninuan in the first place without being unmade - but a Power, say, some jumped-up mortal with total command of bees or salt or truancy, would be unmade. Eadmund, though, is an Excrucian. Eadmund is a Strategist. Eadmund is royalty, of a place that never existed but did so long before any upstart empire of the World Ash.

So he just screams a lot, rather more high-pitched than he might care to admit, until he slams into some unreasonably real earth.

He picks himself off the ground and tries futilely to dust himself off, before remembering that he's a Strategist and just making it cease to exist.** Then he looks around. What misbegotten corner of the Ash has he somehow ended up in?

*If you were reading it right, it'd have the fancy N. It's not Eadmund's fault λ-letters aren't Unicode-compliant. The Consortium should have more space for infinite nonexistent alphabets.

**Not with the World-Breaker's Hand. That'd be overkill. He just replaces his raiment with the exact same thing, but without the dust. Where does it go? Don't worry about it!

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Eadmund's immortal twelve-year-old-ness, or twelve-year-old immortal-ness, is charming! Su-Yeong is charmed.

"Yeah, I was born human and the word for me now is 'husk,' not 'troll.' I don't think trolls exist, at least back home. Just stories about monsters that eat people and turn into stone during the day. Or when exposed to sunlight? One of those."


"We've got similar stories, but the one I'm talking about is one where they're gay aliens." She gestures at herself. "Hence the skin and the horns, I'm dressed as one. The story they come from is very engaging but if it was based on real events I'd be very concerned and probably want to find the author so I could shake him down for details. If you're a husk then that doesn't pattern-match to anything except Mass Effect, and I really very strongly doubt you're one of those husks, you'd be eating me."


Nervous laugh!

"No, I don't really feel any people-eating urges. Um… where I'm from, most people have magic. I didn't used to, but then something that—"

Her breath catches but she presses on.

"That made me really mad and embarrassed happened, and… I guess that turns regular people into husks sometimes! I never knew anything about the how, before, because they're supposed to be super rare? Something that can happen in real life, technically, but mostly they're just… the monster in a novel."

Glum glum glum.


"Sorry that happened, I guess. I have had some Days but few or none of them have turned me into a monstergirl."


"Speaking as a monsterboy I can't recommend it."


"I thought you were just fancy."


He catches Anya's eyes.


It's very difficult to do that, actually. But he eventually manages - she looks at his eyes -

- looks at them again -

"Wait, Jenna Moran had fundamental insight into the workings of the universe? That's less distressing and honestly less surprising but probably a worse problem."





"Um. ...I can't actually explain Jenna Moran. She does this big LARP thing about Powers and Excrucians and stuff? Except I guess it's not a LARP, it's just. Really, really dangerous field research. Since you actually exist."


Glance at Eadmund.

"I thought this place didn't know about magic? I guess if whoever was telling everyone about magic— well, your kinda magic, anyway— said she was doing it as a lark that would still count…"

On the plus side this conversation is odd enough to be almost funny, which has a positive effect on her overall mood.


"Yeah, as long as it doesn't get spread to a large fraction of the population or generally accepted as fact."


"Jenna Moran's nonsense is in absolutely no danger of either of those things happening. Most people can barely understand what she's talking about. The ones who do think she's some kind of mad genius, but a literary one, not a scientific one."



"Okay, as long as it doesn't set off your temptation thing."


"I'm honestly not that tempted to destabilize the World Prosaic by telling everyone to listen to a mad prophet. ...well when I put it like that I'm a little tempted. But still not enough for it to be a problem, I died something like three days ago and I'm usually good for a few weeks after."


"Well, let's see if we can't set a new record."

She's not totally sure if it would work like that but hey, optimism.

"Anyway, I… don't actually know all that much about how I'm supposed to work, since it's not like I went to school for huskology. I don't even know if that's a thing, really. But I think it progresses, because when it first happened I didn't have horns and now I do, and there's… pictures. They look more like animals than people. I really don't want that to happen since by all accounts you lose your personality and mind when it does, but so far I think that I'm still mostly pretty much me."

She pauses.

"… maybe it's a bad idea but I kinda want to figure out some spells so that I can have something to show for having magic other than horns and eyeglow and possibly a death sentence. That can go on the backburner, though."


"Aren't some of your animals people anyway?" Jadis asks, fading briefly back into selective existence (in snow leopard form, for emphasis). "Should you be assuming just off what someone looks like?"


"Jesus! What?!"


Jadis waves her hand dismissively. "None of his business."


… Giggle. Even though Jadis' joke flies over her head.

"Well, not regular animals. That I know of. Familiars are different, more like part of a person? I'm pretty sure that's how it works, anyway."


"Familiars are animals that are part of a person, and that makes them people, and not animals. Husks become animals, and that means they aren't people, because if they were people they'd never dream of being part animal. What very tidy rules you people have. Or, I've forgotten, are you animals?"



"Uh, I think it's…"

She's got a point.

"It's not about the shape, right? But there is a difference between a pet dog and a dog familiar. A mental difference. The thing that's beastly about husks isn't what they look like, it's that they can't be reasoned with."

She still feels like she's missing something, or maybe being racist against animals somehow? Oops.


"Jadis, are you being cryptic towards any actual end or just for its own sake?"


"Who can saaaaaaaay~" she trills, turning upside down.


"Why are you like this."

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