Then in a few minutes Élie will have a list! Parts of it appear to be in code.
1) Considerations relating to the scope and nature of the apsel's powers
a) limitations on quantity of matter the apsel can conjure and distances at which they may conjure it
b) use of matter conjured by apsels as spell reagents and components in -------
c) ability of the apsel to conjure -----------
d) can the apsel conjure living beings or reagents derived from living beings?
e) the same, as to outsiders
f) can the apsel only conjure books, papers, etc. which have been written, or may he create new works entire with adequate specification (i. e. "a list of spells prepared this morning by the priestess Aspexia Rugatonn, etc etc")
g) can bodies conjured by the apsel be used to assist in the raising of the dead?
h) devices and mechanisms known to the apsel. must these devices exist in physical form elsewhere in the universe to be conjurable?
i) may the means which afford the apsel his powers of conjuration be replicated through the conventional use of magic?
j) the same, as to his invulnerability
h) in what manner is the apsel constrained by the intent of the summoner?
2) Means by which those powers may be countered or enhanced with magic
a) if the apsel's conjuration is blocked by --------- or ----------
b) susceptibility of the apsel to enchantments and involuntary transmutations
c) spell resistance of the apsel
d) if the apsel's native powers depend on one or more mental abilities. if enhancing this ability may render him more capable.
e) if means employed by wizards to heighten the potency, duration, and other qualities of their spells may be learned by the apsel
3) Effects of daeva on the society and economy of Earth; implications for Golarion of same
a) how the end of material scarcity on Earth came about
b) means by which the goods created by daeva are distributed
c) means by which the planet is preserved from daeva or summoners with ill intent
d) how the various peoples of Earth governed themselves, before and after the introduction of summoning. Whether humans are customarily governed by daeva.
e) how Golarion in the present day may be compared Earth shortly before the introduction of summoning, particularly with respect to the state of widespread tyranny and ignorance on our unfortunate planet
f) if literacy is necessary to summon
g) how many humans on Earth are summoners
h) if only humans are capable of summoning daeva
j) likelihood of gods intervening to prevent or enable the summoning of daeva
4) Uses of daeva in warfare
a) instances of warfare between armies with daeva from the history of Earth
b) means by which daeva engage in conflict with each other
c) how humans of Earth have managed to prevent the escalation of such conflict
5) Interactions between summoning and the ordinary progress of souls to the outer planes
a) if daeva-summoners, native to Golarion, become daeva themselves upon their death
b) if so, if they proceed to the ordinary plane of residence of such daeva or to their own appropriate outer plane
c) if they may be summoned back to Golarion
d) if outsiders can summon daeva. if an outsider summons a daeva, do they become a daeva in the event of their destruction?
6) Additional considerations
a) if sapient species on Golarion are created or evolved
b) what entities if any are responsible for the creation of daeva
c) if the native planes of daeva may be accessed by ordinary means of inter-planar transport
d) if daeva have ever before been summoned to Golarion. If not, why not.