Lucia Walsh-Rhys is many things. Impetuous, stupidly heroic, generous to the point where anyone else wouldn't survive it. From New York.
Busting down El's door to get at this soul-eater.
Sigh. "Hey El, has the void saddled you with any horrible flensing spells that might actually be useful here."
"Sure has. Wouldn't usually be my first go-to for a maw-mouth but under the circumstances. Latin?"
"Latin I've got, aside from my still-novice Sanskrit I've got--well, English, obviously--and Mandarin and Spanish and Latin."
"So, my priority should still be my spikey pikey and the harp, yes? And a blocked power sharer for Lucia."
"Yeah, that much hasn't changed. If we're not planning to tell Bangkok what's up immediately then the diamond thing is lower-priority."
She wiggles a little. "I bet it is."
(Just because things are mostly terrible doesn't mean she can't enjoy the little things!)
Lucia is a little anxious, the next time they set up the killbox, but no maw-mouths come through. Not that time, or the next, or the next, all the way up through Field Day.
Maw-mouths aren't terribly common. "If we do see another one," El remarks, "if they get hungry enough or whatever, I'm not sure I'd be able to tell an oozy end of one of the big ones from a small one. Would you?"
"Mkay. I guess maybe we don't want to completely kill any of them if we can avoid it."
"And yet we do not find ourselves less hungry." Sigh. "I've been thinking about trying to learn to eat spells, and I think it would be safer to try to eat a potion or an artifice or something first. Something that's not still attached to a caster so there's no risk of, uh, overreaching."
"--I'll do it." She's pretty sure she won't accidentally eat Liu but she wants more than pretty sure, for this.
She spritzes some on her wrist. She does not manage to eat it on the first try.
She doesn't growl, because that would be a motion and she isn't that invested in making it happen, but she thinks growly thoughts, and she forces the finger on the spritzer to twitch again, and--
The container is much lighter.
"Hm," she manages.
She jerks her arm a bit to demonstrate how the thing is not making a sloshy noise.