"Hmm, alright. Let's start with binary.
"So you know how numbers can be written like...
"Expanding 543 to 5 times 100 - ten to the second power -, 4 times 10, 3 times one?
"Every computer these days would represent 543 as...
512 - 2 to the... 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 ninth, plus 16, two to the fourth, plus eight, plus four, plus two, plus one - two to the zeroth. Or, one zero zero zero zero one one one one one.
"And you can represent those ones and zeroes with a simple on-off switch or similar easily-monitored thing.
"The original computers used punch-cards for data entry, which they inherited from mechanical looms. Which I'm assuming y'all have, because you have that sort of mass-produced clothing quality going on, but actually, do you? Anyway.
"You have binary representation of numbers.
"The next part of how a computer does math involves boolean logic.
"Boolean logic is a whole field of math that this one guy named Boole came up with, so I'm guessing that if you have it you have it under another name, but if you can tell me what True XOR parenthese False NAND True close-parenthese would evaluate as, you know it.
"And through hooking together enough NAND gates in particular ways, you can take a binary integer from some register A and a binary integer from register B and add, subtract, multiply, divide...hell, even exponentiate.
"It gets more complex when you start involving negatives and decimals, especially arbitrary decimals, but it's possible."