Miranda has a lovely summer, some of it spent at Karen's and some in Italy and some at home.
She shows up with Karen at the train platform and they look for Minor.
"I'm not presently involved in anything else you'd find that weird. I can let you know if that changes."
"Can do. If I were evil I'd have had you killed last year, for whatever that's worth."
"As in, you'd have the resources to put hits on people if you were evil, or as in, you already have them but you're not using them because you're not evil?"
"As in you'd be gaining resources faster than I would past that point and it would obviously be necessary eventually and so better to move while the resource gap was largest rather than when I was most prepared."
"As far as I can I'll tell you things you'd be distressed to discover incidentally."
"Were you avoiding me because you were annoyed with me or because you were worried I was annoyed with you?"
"I'm not very good at minding my own business and may have overcompensated and yes I did think you were mad at me."
"Unreasonableness in people who want to rule the world is perhaps less worrying than expertise in dark magic but still at least a little worrying. I wasn't angry with you. There are a few hundred ways I could have handled it better."
"I've been filtering for ones that aren't judgment-affecting. You'd hate it but I don't, especially, it's kind of an interesting mental exercise to route around -"
"The way to learn the Imperius curse is to agree to let someone put you under it. Repeatedly, until you learn to throw it off."
"I do not. But yes, you don't need to worry about your safety or that of your friends - or anyone ever, if I can learn how to teach it -"