Miranda has a lovely summer, some of it spent at Karen's and some in Italy and some at home.
She shows up with Karen at the train platform and they look for Minor.
"One of the things I'm not actually terrible at is faith so I don't see how it would 'turn out' that way," says Rebecca.
"So, Saturday wedding?"
"You didn't answer what was so urgent," his mother says distractedly.
"I don't see any reason to wait longer than it'll take Theodore to be back in the country - unless you think either set of grandparents would come around with a month's cooling off period -"
His parents look at each other. "No," Nell says regretfully.
"Ooh - blue and red? Campanulas and roses - I don't care what time - my sister Beth might be able to sneak away with enough warning though -"
"Should I just go knock on the door and invite your whole family or should I try to get a message to her specifically -"
"Hello, sir! I'm Michael Way and I'm here to extend an invitation to my wedding to your daughter. It's at noon Saturday."
"I met Rebecca, who was discovering that being a nun was not her vocation after all, and we decided to get married. On Saturday. At noon. I'm adopting her child, she's back at my family's estate now."
"I want to go," pipes up a voice from inside the house.
"You're not going! Nobody's going!" cries Mr. Arden.
"Anyone who is going will want to go about a mile north of here at the bridge, I'll have a carriage for guests there."