Miranda has a lovely summer, some of it spent at Karen's and some in Italy and some at home.
She shows up with Karen at the train platform and they look for Minor.
"Okay, then it seems like it would have to be a really great plot to be worth literally their entire lives of being married for it."
"I'm not sure my parents liked each other that much before they got married, they say you just sort of get used to each other?"
"I don't think most people from good families marry for love, who you love at 18 might not be who you want to raise a family with at 30 anyway so you might as well just pick someone you get along with? I don't want to do that. But I think lots of people do."
"To be honest I'm not totally sure about the raising a family part either but maybe that will come along with whenever I start liking boys."
"I want kids. And I don't, like, have any interest in kissing girls yet so they don't always go together. But probably for some people. Anyway I don't know if Timothy's planning on marrying for love, if you want to rule the world other stuff is probably more important."
James is in Hufflepuff and Samuel in Ravenclaw; they are mildly disappointed. There are several other Ways sorted; Minor pointedly pays them no attention. Timothy, as always, watches the Sorting as if it is the most important possible proceeding of a civilized society and perhaps also as if he wishes he were the Hat. There is a feast. There is a stern warning to stay away from the lake and not bother the merfolk.
"You aren't Gryffindors, so I was hoping you'd pay attention to the part where I almost died and the wand turned out to be unnecessary because somebody was coming to bring me warm things."
"I wish I had rescued myself by knowing Mermish, or by not getting knocked off my broom into the lake."
"It was a terrible wand and I couldn't use my arm for two weeks. Leave the merfolk alone."
Look, if anybody has a charm for this she's all ears. Better parentage person gets a plectere to the head and will have to go around in rather tight silly pigtails.
Hexing fellow students is not allowed but he doesn't really suppose that counts; perhaps the victim shouldn't question people's parentage.
For Miranda's birthday he gets her an obscure book of charms with unusual wand movements and a set of potions tools that extend shelf life.