Miranda has a lovely summer, some of it spent at Karen's and some in Italy and some at home.
She shows up with Karen at the train platform and they look for Minor.
"So don't tell Heller, there's half a dozen prefects and that's just in Slytherin, you can try the other Houses' prefects with some things. Maybe not this thing since it's disciplinary. Molloy's not bad, or Carew."
"And then you have an entire family of Muggles-who-weird-things-happen-to, because Muggleborns don't have fewer half-bloods than anybody else. You want to keep those out too?"
"Well, when you're out of here you can start one or fund one or something, fill the void, in the meanwhile locking firsties out of the dorm isn't helping anybody."
"Because that'll go over real well. Lobby Twimble about re-Sorting, see if you get a different answer than the last twenty people, you're a Slytherin and I'm sure policy changes like that for which you have such well-formed arguments won't be beyond you."
"Lobby the Hat. Dazzle it with your knowledge of personality variance in Muggleborns. But this one's already here."
A week later the first-year, Genevieve Stoller, misses class because someone soaked her robes through with a laundry charm while she was wearing them.
"I didn't go out of my way," he says, "she got in my way."
"I don't want to have to give you a detention for bullying an eleven-year-old," Molloy said.
"I want to be able to enjoy my own common room without smelly Muggles around."
"They lack the advantage of house elves, but here those are included in the tuition and we all use the same ones. Do I just have a terrible sense of smell? Where did you even learn to do your own laundry charms, I'd think the Blacks would have elves at home too."
"Well, she was trying to get out of the common room and go to class, but you've neatly foxed that plan."
"If you wanted people to leave it alone you shouldn't have started by locking her out of the dormitory where anybody might wander by and find it affecting; I'd think that was pretty obvious. Maybe you should switch houses?"